The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Do you but I can’t respect that nonsense. This coming from a breh that didn’t lose his virginity til 19. That’s lame to me, sorry breh.
@2Quik4UHoes @The Hierophant @The M.I.C. y’all weirdos dappin that bullshyt
Whether you respect it or not is irrelevant. The truth is You are clearly young, dumb, and have a lot of learning to do.

good luck
Sex comes with strings attached.... seriously I’m jsut not as savage as I use to be . A chick I messed with became depressed and it was all down hill from there. She even started have suicidal thoughts. Broad didn’t even care. Getting out of that situation was a relief and scarring as well.

I don’t want to be the reason somebody harm themselves .
Girls always threatening to kill themselves over shyt. Just ignore it. They generally don’t actually commit that.


Feb 12, 2015
Well your speaking to the current relationship climate. In which case attractive men and all women below him outside of 1-3 are in his range and if 4's and up can make the choice to give it up to those attractive men and ignore the rest they will. While those average to unattractive men are fighting for scraps, walking away, or stewing in bitterness and frustration making it even harder on themselves

Though I wouldn't paint such a broad brush and say every man if he could is just gonna knock hoes down and not commit.’s funny to me because the entire conversation is a bit absurd when you really think about it. Research indicates that sexlessness in our current dating culture is actually driven primarily by economic recession resulting in prolonged adolescence and failure to pass certain adult rites of passage in Western culture.

The reality is that poor job prospects, sorry educational training and fukked economy has left young men and women financially dependent on their family members for longer periods of time. It’s hard to bring a chick back to your mom and dad’s crib. It’s hard for a chick to smash if she living with her parent into adulthood too. Family all up in your business.

I think it’s funny because we blame ugly/average women for not fukking enough ugly/average men as if that would make a difference. We also blame men for not getting at women enough. But the real deal is people aren’t screwing because they aren’t getting into relationships/delaying marriage/aren’t dating.

And the real issue undergirding that is people aren’t financially stable, are depressed and have high levels of anxiety because of it, so everybody just flexing for the internet while being miserable and lonely.:wow:

I wonder if average men and average women will start to pull back, invest in one another, build each other up, and be willing to partner up with each other financially to build their own family units. Away from IG, internet, echo chambers, porn, Twitter, excuses. That’s the only way this is going to work.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Just focus on you for right now.
I do, but it irritates me when these threads are made and people say ugly men are only out here chasing dimes.

That's not the case.

Average women are rejecting average men.

And our intentions are not to just smash them either.

If those women would rather get smashed by a man that's more attractive than me, that's fine but we are not sending them messages with the same intentions as that dude they see as attractive.

We send regular ass messages to regular ass girls and they ain't having it.


Feb 12, 2015
Well like most people I said to myself
"Let's talk and see where it goes"

My first thought wasn't "I'm going to send them a message because I want to fukk them and never contact them again"

I'm too unattractive to have that "smash and dash" mentality.

I had attractive friends that were like that but based on the way women have presented themselves to them it would make sense for them to be like that.

Not me.

I understand most women ain't looking at me like "oh he's cute I wanna fukk him"

So me thinking I can do that with any woman regardless of how they look is dumb and setting me up for failure.

I try to be respectful.

My messages are not thirsty and not about sex.

But I wasn't granted that opportunity even for a potential relationship because they don't reply.
I only asked because even though you don’t seem to have those intentions I’ve seen shyt tons of dudes who are just mad that chicks they don’t even really want aren’t willing to be smash and dashes for them.

Are there any other groups of women you have had success with? You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal or you can pm me.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
The average chick is dating a regular guy.

The “average chick” isn’t “dating”...she is complaining about how the “regular guy” is wack,
and so she can’t settle for that.

...but she is still fuccing, though. She got a roster or 2-3+ dudes she can call if she wants it bad enough.


Jun 1, 2012
They have time to "think" and that's when it gets real, America needs to keep people "entertained"

The dude who was a part of the hedge funds went on a rant about dudes with time during the GME stock invasion.
Yea but this was sour grapes and projection

There was nothing he said while whining about GME that didnt apply directly to him

Rich stock/hedge fund cacs were mad that they got beat at their own game
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The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Grit is built on the foundation that you are someone who is good enough. It's reinforceable. If you are told you suck all your life by people in some cases who are supposed to take care of you, what chance have you got? Or worse they lie to you about your value.

This is a major post, right here.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
I do, but it irritates me when these threads are made and people say ugly men are only out here chasing dimes.

That's not the case.

Average women are rejecting average men.

And our intentions are not to just smash them either.

If those women would rather get smashed by a man that's more attractive than me, that's fine but we are not sending them messages with the same intentions as that dude they see as attractive.

We send regular ass messages to regular ass girls and they ain't having it.

Every man has felt this same frustration at some point no matter how good looking they are.
Have you ever tried dating women of other races or considered getting a foreign black women?


Sep 11, 2013
Cleveland’s funny to me because the entire conversation is a bit absurd when you really think about it. Research indicates that sexlessness in our current dating culture is actually driven primarily by economic recession resulting in prolonged adolescence and failure to pass certain adult rites of passage in Western culture.

The reality is that poor job prospects, sorry educational training and fukked economy has left young men and women financially dependent on their family members for longer periods of time. It’s hard to bring a chick back to your mom and dad’s crib. It’s hard for a chick to smash if she living with her parent into adulthood too. Family all up in your business.

I think it’s funny because we blame ugly/average women for not fukking enough ugly/average men as if that would make a difference. We also blame men for not getting at women enough. But the real deal is people aren’t screwing because they aren’t getting into relationships/delaying marriage/aren’t dating.

And the real issue undergirding that is people aren’t financially stable, are depressed and have high levels of anxiety because of it, so everybody just flexing for the internet while being miserable and lonely.:wow:

I wonder if average men and average women will start to pull back, invest in one another, build each other up, and be willing to partner up with each other financially to build their own family units. Away from IG, internet, echo chambers, porn, Twitter, excuses. That’s the only way this is going to work.
I pretty much agree, but also with that I think socially things have changed pretty rapidly in the past ten years. So much so that there is a lot of confusion from guys and women in just their thirties asking why aren't ya'll doing this or that?

I'm 26. And I've never cold approached. All my relations have come from a friend group in a social setting, party/bar setting with friends, work, even just seeing a girl around and at least having that little bit of rapport even if we had never talked.

If I've never cold approached and I'm gonna admit, I feel pressure from society not to. then I can imagine dudes younger than me dont even consider it an option and view doing it as if someone asked you to pull off a tony hawk move when you've never ridden a board in your life.

I'm not saying its not an option and that men can't have success doing it but I've literally never done it. I'm probably an outlier at 26, but if I was 20 saying that I probably wouldn't be.

So if for a lot of guys their options are dating apps or women they have to see whenever they're friends meet up, or at work, or meetings, or class etc... they get anxiety about getting rejected or it not working out and having to see that person from then on
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Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
I only asked because even though you don’t seem to have those intentions I’ve seen shyt tons of dudes who are just mad that chicks they don’t even really want aren’t willing to be smash and dashes for them.

Are there any other groups of women you have had success with? You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal or you can pm me.
When you see how easily women are willing to have sex with men who are more attractive it does create a level of resentment, but as you get older you have to realize we all have free will.

That anger can and will turn into a lowering of your self-esteem.

"She fukked all these dudes, how come she won't fukk me? What's wrong with me?"

But that's unhealthy and completely disregards a woman's right to choose.

Just because a woman is willing to have sex with 4 men that they see as attractive and not you, you can't hate them for that.

That's their choice.

You as a man are not entitled to women just because you believe they are in the same "league" as you.

But when you lose that mindset and approach women just to develop a friendship and think hopefully that can blossom into something more and still go through the same level of rejection as before it only adds fuel to the low self-esteem fire.

I'll admit those Kevin Samuels/Red pill videos are entertaining, but ultimately aren't productive.

It just becomes an echo chamber of "women ain't shyt" when the reality is we are men who have had our feelings hurt and self esteem lowered by years of rejection by women.

I don't know what the solution is but watching videos that validate our resentment towards women aren't helping.

And I'm open about my L's with women and the answer is none. I don't have success with any women.

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
I reflected about this a while back

And Im not gonna lie,

Drugs and alcohol was the GOAT ice breaker when it came to getting females for me:yeshrug:

Esp between the ages of 18-24 ish

Thats why I wasn't shocked at all with that news report on high rates of liver disease among women

Its kind of sad that one has to resort to vices to have an easier time with the Females though, and I wouldn't suggest it at all, but get it how you live i guess:yeshrug:.