The People Vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story


Apr 30, 2012
Bruh, OJ himself said she attacked him and he was on coke: 'BANSHEE' NICOLE DROVE 'ME' TO MURDER | New York ...

No, in that book he was describing IF he did, then here's how it would have went down. Supposed to be fiction, but ppl see it as him dry sitching on himself.

But lol @ this part....

Goldman assumes a karate stance, further angering Simpson” and then dares Goldman to fight, according to the magazine.
Goldman hit the karate stance, and OJ's like, :stopitslime::martin:


Apr 30, 2012

I gotta say...

Ive watched a bunch of interviews that oj did after trial.....

Either this is the most smoothest talking and ruthelss nikka of all time or he is innocent.

He has a answer and explanation for everything. He is not harsh in his responses but replies with common sense and transparency.

The Juice is innocent . :wow:

These white people running with media stories they drummed up against the gawd and he kills them all with ease and simple truths...

I saw this too the other day.

You should watch the series of interviews where he went step by step thru his yard & house talking about the crime. He enver slips up, or looks unsure of what he's saying. You couldn't coach anyone that well.

Like you said, he's either the smoothest talking, quick thinking negro ever....or he didn't do it.


Apr 30, 2012

* The murder of Ron and Nicole was among a string of murders of people associated with O.J., Ron, and Nicole. Casimir Sucharski, a friend of O.J., was murdered two weeks after Ron and Nicole. On March 19, 1995 O.J.'s friend, record company promoter Charles Minor, was murdered. On July 30, 1993, eleven months before the famous double murder, Ron Goldman's friend Brett Cantor was killed with a knife in a manner identical to Ron and Nicole: from behind and across the throat and stabbed repeatedly on the arms and chest. Michael Nigg, a waiter at the Mezzaluna (Ron Goldman was also a waiter there) was shot in the head and killed. Another Mezzaluna waiter barely survived a car bombing.
* Ron and Nicole were killed by a knife slicing across the throat and multiple stabbings. Their vocal chords were severed to prevent them from screaming. This is a common hitman technique employed to prevent the victim from alerting others. An enraged ex-husband is unlikely to know how to do this, but a hitman would know it.
* Many working at Mezzaluna were involved with the Mob and/or the drug trade.
* Photos of Nicole with known criminals of the drug trade in a hot tub and on a bed were shown on the news. O.J. said he was upset when he saw his children associated with the drug scene that Nicole had apparently become involved with.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
The fukkery in this show too much, the opening of episode 1 where it dramatically panned towards the OJ statue had me :dead: then him trying to kill himself in Kim Kardashian's bedroom :laff:

What did Travolta do to his face? looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
"I would have never wore those ugly ass shoes :dame:"

O.J making the :merchant: when shown the photo.

CTE is real. U kbowbhe honestly couldn't remember copping dem jawns. OJ probably don't even remember killing dem people. He definitely did it, but it was cte brehs.


Apr 30, 2012
great read

The theory on the glove is that OJ got into a struggle with Goldman and one of the gloves came off during the fight and he couldn't find it in the dark of the night and had to get out of there so he unintentionally left it. Then, he went back to his house and hopped his fence to go around the back where he accidentally ran into the air conditioner, making a thump sound which Kato thought was an earthquake, and when OJ did that he accidentally dropped the other glove without realizing it.

Here's the thing for me that doesn't add up. If OJ did it, everyone agrees it was a monumental bloodbath - blood was everywhere. A huge fight with Goldman - a big struggle. 27 stab wounds on Goldman. Nicole's throat slashed. Footprints at the crime scene. OJ should have been absolutely covered in blood. The odd thing about this is they found really small traces of blood in the bronco. A tiny spec on the door and a couple of tiny specs inside (total amount was less than what would fit on a fingernail). Nothing on the gas pedal or brakes. Further, OJ, who should be drenched in blood, came home and hopped the fence to his house and ran around back and still didn't leave any blood? He dropped a hugely bloody glove but not a drop of blood anywhere on the ground near the glove. He went into his house which had beige carpet and there was no blood on the carpet, none in the sink or the shower (which they checked for). What they found were a handful of "drops of blood" pretty much exactly what would come out of a dropper. They were perfect circular drops and there were just a few of them. That makes no sense. 20 minutes after killing two people and being soaked in blood, you wouldn't leave 5 or 6 perfect blood droplets on the ground a couple miles away. You'd leave big smears and blood everywhere.

There should have been WAY more blood in the Bronco and in his home. They should have found it in the sink when he washed his hands. In the shower when he had to clean himself up. Smears (not perfect droplets) all over the house that he would have left frantically trying to get ready to meet the limo driver. Remember, this guy supposedly stabbed two people in a bloodbath, got in his bronco, raced home, got inside, cleaned himself up and then came back down to the limo to go to the airport in less than hour.

The media narrative goes like this: OJ left a trail of blood at the crime scene, in his bronco, outside of his house and inside of his house. But I actually looked really closely at how much blood are we talking about? And it's shockingly low. Tiny traces and drops.

Is it possible that Mark Fuhrman found both gloves at the crime scene, and took one of them to OJ's house and planted it, and also planted the sock in OJ's bedroom, and also took 1.5CM of the 8CM blood sample that OJ gave the day after the murders and conveniently dropped those in a couple spots as well? Yeah it's possible.

We know that 1.5cm of the 8cm sample was missing and no explanation was given as to what happened to it. We also know that Fuhrman was asked on the stand whether he planted evidence and he invoked the 5th amendment (feel free to look any of this up).

So, could this narrative be true:

Nicole and Ron are murdered. Mark Fuhrman, who knows OJ's history, is convinced it's him. He finds both gloves and the cap at the crime scene. That night, he quickly goes to OJ's house, hops the fence, and drops the glove in the back (if you research this, Fuhrman had the opportunity to do this). The next day, after interviewing OJ, they take 8cm of blood (which they did). He takes 1.5cm of this blood, goes back to OJ's house and drops some of it onto his sock and outside and inside. Take a look at the evidence - the blood they found at the house were perfect droplets. Fuhrman then thinks to himself that should be enough to nail him.

You might say, gosh that sounds so implausible. But does it sound more implausible than this?:

OJ is scheduled to fly from Los Angeles to Chicago at 11:45PM. The night he leaves, he goes to McDonalds with Kato, returning around 9:45PM. OJ's limo is scheduled to pick him up at 10:45PM to go to the airport.

For the next hour, OJ's wherabouts are disputed and can't be proven (and the prosecution says this is the window he had to commit the murders). Are we supposed to believe that he gets home from McDonalds at 9:45PM with one hour before the limo driver is set to show up to take him to the airport and suddenly says "I know what I'll do. I'll put on a rare pair of Bruno Magli shoes, put on some gloves and a cap, drive down to my wife's condo in the middle of a popular residential neighborhood, lure her out of the house, and then savagely murder her while my two kids sleep upstairs (hopefully they're sleeping). So he does that and then the plan goes bad beccause Ron shows up so he's got to kill him too. And then miraculously, nobody sees any of this in the neighborhood and he makes it back to his house, leaving about 10 perfectly circular tiny drops of blood outside the house and in the foyer and that's it. He manages to clean himself entirely up without leaving a trace of blood in the shower, sink or carpet, and then comes down to meet the limo driver to go to the airport. And, on the flight to Chicago, goes ahead and chats it up with the pilot of over 30 minutes acting totally normal.

It just doesn't make sense.


Apr 30, 2012
OJ chose to speak to police without his lawyer present.

Either he's supremely arrogant & dumb as anything....or he has nothing to hide.

Vannatter: OK. Mr. Simpson, you have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during the questioning. If you so desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. Do you understand your rights?

Simpson: Yes, I do.

Vannatter: Are there any questions about that?

Simpson: (unintelligible)

Vannatter: OK, you've got to speak up louder than that...

Simpson: OK, no.

Vannatter: OK, do you wish to give up your right to remain silent and talk to us?

Simpson: Ah, yes.

Vannatter: OK, and you give up your right to have an attorney present while we talk?

Simpson: Mmm hmm. Yes.


Apr 30, 2012
Are u really pushing this OJ is innocent shyt :what:

I used to be 1000% he was guilty, but some of this information makes you think and it's worth considering.

I still lean towards guilty, but he was definitely framed. There's just not enough clean evidence. Literally everything was tampered with improperly or clearly planted.

Only implicit thing is the shoes...and who's to say nobody else in the world owned those shoes?