Where my BF4 brehs at? lets run itgot 2 others ready to play
I'm down
GT:Sobesoles com
Where my BF4 brehs at? lets run itgot 2 others ready to play
I copped COD. I heard BF 4 is best on PC
im ready
you brehs got mics? someone make a squad and invite usI'm down
GT:Sobesoles com
its not letting me turn on party chat to get in there wit yallyou brehs got mics? someone make a squad and invite us
its not letting me turn on party chat to get in there wit yall
Honestly haven't played it yet. About to get into that Ryse and Forza firstYou like it?
i'm interested in extinction mode
what's up with the bf4 servers?
gotta play team deathmatch
It keeps on asking me to join conquest when I'm trying to get deathmatch
check setting menuWhere do we go to do the initial kinect setup that measures sound and other things. I skipped it during first boot up. Thanks.