I'm lost. You're saying Ford is a robot and the younger version of Ford was actually Arnold?
Yes, we already see ford creating ghost of himself (the little boy). In the original movie the robots were creating one another. Even the workers didn't know exactly how they were made.
I have the feeling that the maze is a Turing test designed by Arnold for the host. The only host to complete it was Arnold's first creation (himself). It attempted to kill him and then Arnold took on the role of ford.
Now Arnold is trying to destroy the park because he knows what the AI is capable of. Hence the death of the dog as a warning.
Just a guess
I also somewhat believe Bernard is a host because when ford talks to host he says things like: "you'll put yourself away. Won't you, Bill?"
He does the same with Bernard: "but you will let me know if any of the hosts will display or exhibit any unusual behavior, won't you, Bernard?"