'The problem, Bernard, is that what you and I do, is so complicated. We practice witchcraft. We speak the right words, and we create life itself. Out of chaos.'
During the Middle Ages, passages from the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation) were studied as a means to create and animate a golem, although there is little in the writings of Jewish mysticism that supports this belief. It was believed that golems could be activated by an ecstatic experience induced by the ritualistic use of various letters of the Hebrew Alphabet[1] forming a "shem" (any one of the Names of God), wherein the shem was written on a piece of paper and inserted in the mouth or in the forehead of the golem
So I'm guessing that the saying that Deloras' pops told her when he started tweaking after finding that picture is the keyword/code word for the Hosts to start remembering shyt
Once she told the hooker that she started 'malfunctioning' as well
I also wonder are the interactions between the robots all scripted
Like they have a list of interactions to do with guests but other robots they have a history with and can just do whatever or not?
Clearly Delores is doing her own thing at points but other times she is falling back into script
In episode 1 she mentions how the cattle will follow one leader...Delores is the leaderI think it might be Delores. There is something sinister about her.
That also suggests that the staff doesn't have constant surveillance of the host... you'd think that they'd have access to whatever the hosts can see live or in a recording... unless Dolores has managed to hack into that and disable itI'm rewatching ep 2 right now I forgot delores finds a gun buried in the ground after walking out of her house in the middle of the night donnie darko style, what if this gun is a gun that hosts could use to kill guests?
She bad as fukk...Did not know the girl in the white dress was Elon musks x wife![]()
pretty sure it's 40,000 a day.
Elon lostDid not know the girl in the white dress was Elon musks x wife![]()
Elon lost![]()