If it comes out that Ford has been watching Maeve and allowing this, I think that'll calm a lot of people down. On a kind of related note tho, that's a huge company they work for and as long as they walk around like they belong no one would question them. I'm assuming it's way too many employees there for them all to know each other.
I didn't realize it until my 2nd watch but Maeve woke up after Ford said his dreamless slumber line. That had to catch his eye. I'm thinking it was either him or Bernard that fukked with her settings that the techs were referring to when they changed Maeve's settings.
This is surprisingly true in real life.
I used to get a manilla envelope and just walk around one of the buildings I used to work at.
I'd be on a floor I don't work on just doing whatever. As long as I had the demeanor that I was in the correct place ppl just assumed I was.
What I learned is if you look like you are working, ppl are reluctant to query what you are doing cause it makes them seem like they aren't working for noticing... and also they are afraid to be corrected (if you really were working) in front of everyone cause it makes them appear out of the loop. So ppl just act like they know that you are supposed to be there cause they think everyone else knows you are supposed to be there and they dont wanna appear clueless. Its like the Emperor's new clothes. The first person to say 'who are you and whats with the envelope' risks looking stupid, so they just nod and let you keep going even though they have never seen you on that floor or section before.