this whole shyt with maeve amd the 2 techs is pissing me off and making me feel like they're playing us for dumb. these guys have had absolutely no reason to do any of what she has demanded. she has zero leverage and they've had multiple opportunities to shut her shyt down. Now despite them actually deciding to help her, there is no way that at a corporati like this that they would be able to pull it off. Someone higher up would've realized that hey, maeve is getting tampered with and taken her in for troubleshooting. Also, how are they always the ones who fix her when she comes in. How are they in there talking to her and letting her move about and touch shyt from the tablet, to the blades, to anything, and no one fukking notices? How are they able to walk with her up he escalators to see everything then take her to get rebooted this most recent episode with no oe noticing. This is the type of place that would have cameras everywhere yet I'm supposed to believe that no one notices the fukkery that is abounding with her and the techs? shyt is giving me a real bad imrpession of the show despite everything else that is happening. Really poor writing/plot device.