Position of authority no? Holds more weight? No but it doesnt disqualify him from reporting like Meghann, nah. They should be even, if nothing else. Only one subset trying to discredit him from jsut reporting on stuff.His occupation was brought up because he was using it as position of authority on this case. Him being a lawyer doesn't mean his reporting holds more weight considering it's not his field.
He’s not “just reporting stuff” he has a clear agenda for controversy. He purposely only gives half truths to get the controversy rolling in his comments then he offers videos for $4 where he supposedly goes into more detail.Position of authority no? Holds more weight? No but it doesnt disqualify him from reporting like Meghann, nah. They should be even, if nothing else. Only one subset trying to discredit him from jsut reporting on stuff.
Position of authority no? Holds more weight? No but it doesnt disqualify him from reporting like Meghann, nah. They should be even, if nothing else. Only one subset trying to discredit him from jsut reporting on stuff.
I've taken a BAR exam and passed.Have u ever taken a LSAT or Bar exam? U need general knowledge on all levels of legal matters in a state whether it’s Criminal Torts or Business law which would include an employment lawyer
Y’all nikkas are retarded deadass, I ain’t gon reply in here no more until the verdict
I was thinking the same shytYou know it's bad when you're posting more than Napoleon in a thread![]()
So basically you care more bout defending who you like more than the factsHe literally didn't. I never said I wasn’t biased. Just that I'm not a stan.
Some of you hate looking at yourselves but that's not on me. Work that out with yourselves.
My nikka let's not even talk about How Meg said her back was turned yet knew it was Tori, The witness said that he saw Tori shoot 4 or 5 times AFTER he saw the gun in Kelsey's hands.The victim identified the shooter. The witness said the man shot 5 times.
They have audio of only 5 shots being let off in succession. Whoever fired those shots, shot meg.
Y’all going too far into random speculation. That’s not what “reasonable doubt” means, otherwise no one would ever get convicted of anything.
Maybe because everyone is saying just that.She testified that she turned around and saw him shooting.
The witness said he NEVER saw a gun in anyones hands. He said he saw flashes and assumed they were the gunshots.
This isn’t how “reasonable doubt” works
I’m not sure why you get the impression that this verdict is an indictment on black men in general.
But even checking just this thread a lot of “black men” have shown their ass in a nasty way over this case![]()
Why are so many women invested emotionally to Meg for? Is there a deeper meaning to this!?
The OJ trial was more along color lines than gender lines. White ppl were crestfallen and blk ppl were celebrating. This case is more akin to the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings. That case had some of the same rhetoric being utilized and back then ppl weren't considering Thomas a whole c00n, they just wanted a BM on the Supreme Court.I said this will be like the OJ trial women will be too mad and Men will be too happy.
I wonder if Vlad is gonna get the Kelsey post trail interview, maybe she'll tell Vlad the truth since she can't be charged regradless.
especially considering that 90% of the threads in the Locker room are nikkas drooling over some white girl or IG Thot.It’s almost like the whole coli does thisnikka for more posts than everybody in here
Would you accept the results if he got off on a "technicality"?Sound a little disgruntled.
If he shot her, he deserves to go to jail. Most people in this thread don't even believe tory didn't shoot Megan, yall just want him to get off on a technicality, if that isn't sad I don't know what is.
You know right now 2000 miles away there's a trial involving "problematic male rappers" with at least a dozen bodies everyone is being allowed to take a plea and come home except one of two individuals.They have the evidence they have against him and will be giving all of that to the jury to deliberate.
I don't care about the little "Won't you have some empathy" tactics.
Tory assaulted a bunch of people and all types of bullshyt to others, it's not the time to shed some mercy on him now. If he shot megan, he deserves to go to jail.