You do some googles and think you know something. Its not that simple. Kelsey is not on trial. Tory is. And her statements are a key part in this case cause there is a lack of physical evidence and witnesses that definitively implicates Tory. The Jury has no choice but to weigh heavy on kelseys statement as part of their decision.
Grounds for appeal doesn't mean they will automatically win the appeal. Improperly admitted evidence is the top reason for appeals. The judge made a call to include the whole interview even the recanted parts. I believe that evidence was improperly admitted. They could have ommitted the parts Kelsey recanted and said she lied on and played the rest.. They didnt. they played the whole tape in full knowing jury was going to hear slander and scenarios that didnt happen. She was on the stand. She signed an immunity deal to testify so they knew her story was changing. They could have asked her to give answers on the spot for the parts she recanted. There was no reason introduce known lies to jury which would only serve to negatively impact the defendant when they didnt have to.
So in appeal they would definitely argue that including false statments in her testomy that paint the defendant as guilty and in a negatively light could have prevented him from having a fair trial.
so you can't do a "simple google" and find a legal basis for your belief like i did? lol ok
well one thing about this is, yall are free to your opinions
but FYI i believe the reason why it was able to come in was because the DEFENSE examined kelsey about being "forced" or under pressure or whatever to give the statement. So once the defense opened the door to that reasoning, the state was able to play it and show that wasn't the case. it wasn't about a specific lie or statement, it was more so about whether she seemed under pressure at any time during the statement which it would make more sense to get the vibe and context of the whole thing, not any specific part.
you have to understand the reasons WHY evidence is admitted, otherwise your objection may not even make sense lol