RIP Fresh RIP Doe RIP Phat
This is some real karma poetic Justice type shyt lol.
Meg tried to human sacrifice Tory to advance her career and ends up getting exposed by not only Tory lawyer but also all her friends airing out her dirty laundry.
Now the gay friend exposing her as a lying raging alcoholic, that was hating on Kylie for being into Tory and mad at Tory for being into Kylie.
No amount of “Protect black women” gonna protect you from that Kardashian klan blackball. Lame feminist music execs already setting up Latto to take the place they had for Meg
Meg tried to human sacrifice Tory to advance her career and ends up getting exposed by not only Tory lawyer but also all her friends airing out her dirty laundry.
Now the gay friend exposing her as a lying raging alcoholic, that was hating on Kylie for being into Tory and mad at Tory for being into Kylie.
No amount of “Protect black women” gonna protect you from that Kardashian klan blackball. Lame feminist music execs already setting up Latto to take the place they had for Meg

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