The Official TNA Discussion Thread


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
it's not the amount of ppvs that impedes the E from properly hyping/building feuds, it's the lack of characters/non coherent booking and lack of continuity to matches/programs or anything really..Look at the crap with Emma, she's on her way out and you book her like that against asuka? When for the longest time she's been a scrub?:why:

I am guessing it's "cosmetic"

Nah it's a visa thing. Because of the current administration's immigration policy, it might be a hassle for her to return to the states since she's a Canadian citizen.


Apr 16, 2013
** SPOILERS ** Impact Wrestling Results For November 10th -

Note: The green ring ropes are back.

Xplosion Match:

* Phil Atlas vs Taijaro. Taijaro wins with a fireman's carry and drops Atlas on his knee. Nice showing by Atlas.

Impact Tapings for Thursday Nov. 10th

* Eli Drake is out with Chris Adonis. Adonis sings the champ's praises. Eli took his jacket off and threw it outside and hit a floor director while he was down to fix the camera cable. Eli says he has the night off because there's nobody left to challenge him. He trashes Canada until comes Petey Williams comes out. Eli says he'll give him a shot - maybe next week. Petey comes to ring and sets up Eli for a Canadian Destroyer but Adonis pulls him out to safety. JB announces that the match will happen later. Also during the break Mondo is talking to someone looking for Alberto.

* Sonjay Dutt vs. Matt Sydal. Jimmy Jacobs has joined the commentary team. Sydal was very aggressive working over Sonjay's leg even outside near us! Sydal wins with The Shooting Star Press. EC3 comes down with his Grand Title and runs Matt down for choking in the big moments before leaving.

* JB comes to the ring with a representative from NOAH. GHC Champion Eddie Edwards vs Fantasima. JB does the in ring introductions. Eddie retains with Die Hard. Solid match and they shake hands after.

* 6 man tag action: Ray Steele, Phil Atlas & Marcus ??? Vs OVE & Sami Callihan. The champs and Sami win a squash. LAX (Konnan, Ortiz & Santana) come out to confront them and Homicide appears from the other side. LAX gets the better of the exchange and Homicide sets up Sami for the Gringo Killer, but he's pulled outside and spits at LAX. Real classy.

* Mckenzie is interviewing Global Forged winner Hakim Zane, but Johnny Impact just tosses him aside to the ground in a funny way. Alberto El Patron shows up and they brawl backstage. They fight everywhere - outside even - in a great brawl that you gotta see to believe. Johnny's truly an amazing athlete. They eventually head to the ring where Alberto trashes the fans & the company before teasing a fight, but turns to leave. Johnny says he's not even the pride of his father which causes Alberto to get in the ring where they brawl some more. Alberto gets the cross arm breaker in the ropes on the outside before referees finally send him away.

* JB is in the ring to introduce Gail Kim. JB says someone wants to introduce someone in the back and Allie gets in the ring. Gail gives a speech to young women to follow their dreams like she did. Gail thanks Trish, Lisa, Kong and Taryn Terrell and relinquishes the Women's Title.

* Dan Lambert comes down trashes Canada, the fans and demands that Impact grant Bobby Lashley his release. Moose arrives to beat up Dan until Lashley, King Mo and members of American Top Team sneak attack him. James Storm comes to help and smashes a beer bottle in one of their faces.

* 6 man X division match: Desmond Xavier, Sonjay Dutt & Garza Jr. Vs. Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett & Taiji Ishimori. The faces get the win after Lee & Everett have trouble working with Ishimori. Good fast paced action.

* Impact Grand Champion EC3 vs FALLAH BAHH for the title. BAHH was very over with the crowd who chanted "BAHH! BAHH!" for his offence. BAHH won the first round, EC3 got the second round. In the third Bahh was going for a second rope Banzai Drop but EC3 moved and rolled him up to retain.

* 6 man tag: LAX: Homicide, Santana & Ortiz (w/ Konnan) vs. OVE & Sami Callihan. I said that Sami sucked almost as much Zayn and one of OVE got in my face outside and said "YOU SUCK!" Lol All good fun. LAX gets the win! It was a straight up regular match-no stipulations, and unfortunately, no Diamente again.

* Petey Williams vs. Eli Drake (w/ Chris Adonis) for the World Title. Great, great match. The outcome never really seemed in doubt but Petey hit a Canadian Destroyer for a very close near fall. He tried for another, but Eli reversed it into The Gravy Train to win.


* "The Cowboy" James Storm vs Alberto El Patron. This was the last match of the night. A bit of comedy with Alberto asking why this good looking blonde woman was with a guy with an LAX shirt? A long solid match with Alberto winning with Storm tied upside down on the second rope and Alberto hits The Double Stomp off the top. The crowd was split for both men. This was a better show than BFG by far.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
PPV was up and down, just glad da gawd E-LI-DRAKE retained over that corny fakkit Johnny no Impact.
They are both different flavours of boredom as far as I'm concerned only difference is Eli has some semblance of a character (as derivative as it might be)..


Smooth sailing from here on out...
May 14, 2012
Crash tonight in Tijuana, LUS4 watch, CMLL GDL

There is where I saw it (I was really off on the surgery timing though). Says he seperated his shoulder, worked a NOAH show & flew home to get the surgery. Guy missed a handful of shows last month but there's no chance his shoulder is right since this was only around a month ago & he didn't take any real time off :mindblown:


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Who the fukk comprises this roster now? :why:

Every damn story is about someone being finished up with Impact