NWA TNA Weekly PPV 8 8/7/02
NWA TNA Weekly PPV 9 8/14/02
NWA TNA Weekly PPV 10 8/21/02
NWA TNA Weekly PPV 11 8/28/02
The last time I left you, The Truth had convinced Ricky Steamboat to give him a NWA Championship match. Truth would go on to win the title to become the first black NWA Champion, in a match that ended with 4 run ins and a completely botched finish of Apolo missing a superkick by a good 6 inches and Ken selling it anyway and getting pinned with a Kanyon Cutter.
Now, the real fun came after this, when Ricky Steamboat came out and called Apolo out only to give him a title shot, too. This brought out Jeff Jarrett, who brought up REVERSE DISCRIMINATION because Ricky, a non-white, keeps giving minorities title shots instead of him.
"Ricky Steamboat, "Dragon", what we have here is a case of reverse discrimination." "Just because I'm not BLACK, just because I'm not PUERTO RICAN, just because I'm not HAWAIIAN,just because I'm not a minority, I gotta ask you one question, Steamboat. Why does a man like Ron The Truth Killings and why does a man like Apolo the PUERTO RICAN Sensation get a title shot and not me? WHY? WHY STEAMBOAT?" Naturally, Steamboat is stunned, yet books Apolo and Jeff in a number one contender match with himself as the ref. Jeff wins, but then Steamboat said he'd give Jeff The Truth in a title match...as his tag partner, next week. This leads to a double pin the next week, leaving the tag titles vacated and Jeff Jarrett starting a feud with Bob Armstrong, who has replaced Ricky Steamboat without any story reason. Also, Bill Behrens is still around, and Steamboat was brought in to replace him. Also also, Jeff Jarrett has been suspended this whole time.
At the same time, Brian Lawler has been randomly attacking Jeff Jarrett, and for weeks, every time he's about to reveal what Jeff did that pissed him off, someone is attacked or otherwise causes the reason to remain a secret.
Elsewhere on the cards, The Dupps have introduced The Dupp Cup, a points based hardcore division where doing things such as fukking farm animals, putting someone's head in a shyt filled toilet, and goosing men can gain you points, but screaming like a p*ssy makes you lose points. It starts out on Jive Talkin', Disco Inferno's talk show, where the rules are explained in excruiating detail leading into the first ever match being The Dupps vs Ed Ferarra in what from start to finish is possibly the all time worst wrestling segment on any show anywhere. The next week, Teo the midget wins after putting Bo's head in the outhouse they brought, which was purported to have a 5 year old collection of their grandma's shyt in it.
Monty Brown and Elix Skipper are feuding over what it means to be black, which was started by Truth, and ends up with Monty getting a title shot and promptly giving Truth a concussion.
Oh, and both of the Harris Brothers are now wrestling, with Don as a face head of security, and Ron as a heel teaming with Brian Lee. That's right, THE fukkING DISCIPLES OF APOCALYPSE REUNITED IN TNA.
Oh, but don't forget about Bruce, who is now defending his Miss TNA crown against random women from the audience, doing a full blown Andy Kaufman rehash but with added Goldust for fun. One week, he powerbombs April Hunter, which leads to Tenay making p*ssy eating jokes.
This...is TNA.