The Official Street Fighter 6 thread! We Open world fighting now?!


2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Mar 8, 2015
I play locally on occasion. Maybe 2-3 times a month. I'd be surprised if I've got 30 hours total. Yet I have an equal, if not deeper understanding of the meta and mechanics than anyone in this thread:manny: you not about to knowledge check me breh:pachaha:

My frame of reference is my eyes and my experience in the game, and fgs in general. I couldn't even confidently say the shyt I do without a personal frame of reference. I got Dhalsim at high A+:mjlol: where else would I get an opinion like that from? Nikkas wasn't even spamming the word random 3 weeks ago before Punk gave nikkas new rhetoric to run with but you question my frame of reference? Half of y'all can't even refute or define half the shyt I present. Nikkas still can't define shyt like "honest neutral" or "random" because they know it's coated in faulty hueristics

What's funny is shyt is all good when nikkas agreeing but as soon as I point out contradictions nikkas get one some "Do we have a problem breh?" Nikkas sensitive as hell when they don't get to whine into a void. Do what you want but if you contradict yourself I'm gonna find that shyt funny and point it out:manny:

Complaining about a game having braindead autopilot offense, then in the same breath calling the very mechanics meant to prevent autopilot offense random is hilarious:manny: you can't have it both ways:mjlol: but nikkas will call shyt random 20 times before they call themselves predictable once because it reaffirms their "I'm smart and everyone else is dumb" bubble. Your example isn't even mathematically sound if you keep getting these same situations without refusing to change. Again "random" in FGC appears to be "Be still and let me run my shyt uncontested"

Typical SF6 discourse "This thing is random and scrubby" a response will be "well you can do A yourself, or you can sprinkle more throws to your sequences" and nikkas will go ":damn: so I can just get blown up???". Street Fighter. nikkas got this shyt the worst:mjlol:

Call it whatever you want:manny: I ain't looking around to I told you so nikkas but nikkas just be saying whatever and get sensitive when a nikka goes "Breh that shyt makes no sense:mjlol:
It really just occurred to me that you’re the @Gil Scott-Heroin of the coli fgc :dead:


Instructing Space Cowboy's mama on the blade
May 28, 2012
The problem with nikkas like you is you're so pressed to argue that you're not even reading what people are saying and processing it before responding. I clearly laid out my issue with PP multiple times, in detail, painted scenarios, highlighted my own experiences, and why it is "random". Aveda did the same.

Attempting to PP is safe from anywhere but point blank range, costs little meter and is basically just metered blocking, so there is no real reason not to press it at times in the middle of neutral in hopes that PP activates and you are rewarded. It is a low risk, low cost mechanic that inevitably leads to volatility due to its nature. That is why it is being called "Random". It is not random in a literal since like Faust's item toss in Guilty Gear, or Mr. G&W's forward special in Smash, but the instability it promotes due to how powerful and safe it is.

You're a know it all who needs to be heard and feels you always have to be right, this is obvious. It's even evident in you using that bold ass text and dying on the hill of semantics and technicalities of words rather than actually attempting to read and comprehend. I also think you're used to being(or thinking) you're the only nikka here who plays fighting games forreal and understands it on a deeper level.

It's obvious you're just a contentious and annoying person in general, which is why you immediately hopped on my dikk when I started posting here. Two things that come to mind was...

1) You questioning me saying the power levels in this game are extremely high with half the roster being strong and tournament winning capable. I remember responding and highlighting that JP, Ken, Deejay, Cammy, Chun Li, Blanka, Luke, Marisa, Guile, and Juri (safe to say Rashid can be added to list now) are all powerful as fukk, with the rest of the roster all having some sauce as well. You ain't reply though :manny: but you on my dikk about defining random in a way that is pleasing to you.

2) You questioning me saying the game has a good balance, which is obvious going by the results. Not only have the 10 characters highlighted above who are better than everyone else won major events/tournaments, but characters beneath them such as Ryu, Kimberly, Zangief, Lily, and Dhalsim have too. I think Honda, Manon and Jamie are the only 3 characters who haven't won a tournament of significance as of this post. That's really good, especially for the first iteration of a game.

Ain't nothing I said was controversial in the least and are things most people playing the game would co-sign.

It's weird that you're even on this forum conversing about a game you play "two or three times a month." nikka that means you've played the shyt like 8 times. You fixing to be the next Yipes, Jammerz or Sajam? You getting your analytical skills up preparation for commentary? The fukk you even doing here other than being an irritant?

And yeah, I stand on what I said: because I believe it. PP is OP and if nikkas can't see that they aren't good enough to comprehend its issues and/or just happen enjoy overpowered, unbalanced mechanics. Pick one. :manny:

Not about to be fake humble about it. I'm not a throw stones and hide hands type of dude. That sounds like you more than anything because you are clearly abrasive and extra but then be playing stupid when you're called out for it.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Oh trust me, I'm perfectly fine being called out as long as...

Wait, lemme get my O.Red on long as if when said call out is incorrect there is some type of risk/punishment involved.

That's the fun of call outs. Yeah that wake up DP was unsafe as fukk, but I knew your ass wasn't about to block, so I did that shyt and was right.

BUTTTTT if I was wrong, I'm losing 40-60% of my life.

That's when call outs are fun and interesting, not a 0/100 risk/reward ratio call out that is only risky up close. Funny part about throw loops is there are people who sit there and complain about them but then say parry is fine as it is. This would be why we ain't game developers :pachaha:
DR into throw vs. Parry attempt = around 25-30% damage I believe. Make that a command grab and it's like 40%. At least half the cast can do this from mid screen distance. And this tactic was meta before PP (and its ire) suddenly was.:yeshrug:
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American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
An invincible reversal that has no way to be stopped outside of a bait vs a reversal that can be stopped and punished for 20 percent more damage and loop back into oki...


The only reason we get characters as filled kitted as they are is because of the strength of parry.

I think if PP were any weaker we might as well be playing SF5 again. Offense in this game is already mad strong

It's certainly possible that PP as it is now is a necessary evil, which would simply mean SF6 is a great but imperfect game and we just gotta deal with it. On contrary to what might be believed, I'm not actually going on SF6 and whining anytime I get PP'd. I just try to incorporate it into my game and feel its overpowered when I think about it critically. I'm the opposite of Aveda in that I genuinely LOVE THE GAME. Flaws and all, I've never had this much fun playing a fighting game while getting stronger. Don't have an issue with the stressful amount of mental stack the game promotes either. I actually agree with O.Red that it ultimately is making people better fighting game players.

However, I am not buying that absolutely NOTHING can be done about PP without it totally unravelling the ecosystem of the game. I do not buy that...yet, and probably never will. I also probably won't have to because I firmly believe it will be adjusted in Season 2 :pachaha:

If PP is never changed though, whatever, but it's easy to see why it isn't enjoyed at the highest level and it's not as simple as pLaYerS jUsT dOn"T wAnT tO GeT cAlLeD OuT.

Game already has a ton of call outs. shyt might as well be titled Street Fighter 6: Call Out Edition. Drive Impact, Drive Rush, SA3, some SA1 are all call out tools. They're just all ones that require an actual risk of some sort. PP is like calling the toughest kid on your block out....from the safety of your home that has an elite security system, from the 5th floor of your bullet proof window while holding a taser in one hand and a baseball bat in the other, and he's in another country enjoying vacation with family. Ain't nothing impressive or cool about the call out cuz you safe as fukk and nothing bad is happening to you.

I think "We might as well be playing SF5" is inaccurate too. Even with PP adjusted, they aren't the same game at all. Frame data is mostly negative without DR, drive meter and burn out would still exist, DR and DI would still be a thing. That's a reach.

Again, nobody is advocating for PP being removed, just looked at.

Lol, can I be on the podcast now @Batsute ? :troll:

DR into throw vs. Parry attempt = around 25-30% damage I believe. Make that a command grab and it's like 40%. At least half the cast can do this from mid screen distance. And this tactic was meta before PP (and its ire) suddenly was.:yeshrug:

I feel you breh, you cool with PP. We'll see how things shake out with in the future. I'll be playing and loving the game regardless. (That shyt OP though).

I never disagreed with anything you just said in the bolded about parry. That still doesn't equal random to me we just not gonna agree on that shyt:manny:

Again I'm the know it all but you getting this wound up about a nikka questioning your opinion:dahell: I don't know what post you're referring to that I didn't reply to, but even with my character balance issues not once did I say the cast can't compete. I don't have anyone below C tier. On your dikk about it? I see posts and respond but cook:mjlol:

Like i said I wouldn't be in this thread if I didn't think nikkas didn't understand fgs on an intermediate level. There are good discussions in here, but "question" some of y'all too much and nikkas bustin out ad homenims and saying nikkas "just don't understand". But I'm the one trying to lil bro nikkas?:pachaha:

I "always have to be right" but you can go pages back and see me overreacting about OD Amnesia:mjlol: I called the shyt broken and realized weeks later how ridiculous that was. My first impression of JP was that he was ass until I understood his midrange. I was wrong as fukk :mjlol: I keep the same energy with myself as the posts i disagree with it's all in this thread what am I hiding?

When I said the power levels in SF6 are extremely high, I remember you initially responding before I elaborated "Oh I see now. You're a fan of hyperbole :mjlol: " Defo came out the gate tryna play me.

You are contentious, abrasive and enjoy disagreeing and debating. I'm not really into shyt like that. I'll defend my stance and elaborate but I'm not really into the sport of arguing. Definitely when I was a kid but not as an adult.

You are insightful, intelligent, and have interesting takes. I've dapped multiple posts of yours and co-signed some of your views. Your approach to interacting is what it is though and I think you're either being disingenuous or lacking in self-awareness if you don't know that.

Aveda is contentious too but the difference is he don't be coming off like he tryna little bro people and be the smartest in the room. Truth be told, after finally getting to fight him, dude is skilled enough that he could be throwing his weight around a LOT more than he is if he felt like it.

I actually disagree with him on things more than you overall (SF6's quality, views on games like UMVC3, what makes fighting games enjoyable, JP being borderline broken and obviously the best character, how match ups play out, etc), but it's the approach. We disagree then keep it moving.

Nobody was ever ducking you on elaborating about what "random" is. Nobody was ever blindly dikk riding Punk's views or anyone else's on the game either. He's been saying PP is dumb from week 1 and I disagreed strongly and thought he was just crying until I got better at the game and saw things differently. That's all lol.

Also keep in mind that I actually fukk with SF6 heavily so Aveda's views and mine don't intertwine about it often. We just agree about Perfect Parry.

In regards to SF6, I think PP is too strong, JP and Ken need to be reigned in, Drive Rush is a bit too good, and that's about it. And even if none of that stuff changed, it'll still probably go down as my favorite fighting game ever. It took me quite sometime to even start to acknowledge the game's flaws because I love it so much. I'm cool with its hefty mental stack and I'm cool being "called out" etc.
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Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012

Called breh the gil of the fgc group here pack it up you need to re evaluate ur posting if you getting compared to that autistic clown

Also to stay on topic a bit. I do think this game is ass adjacent. But the amount level, and readiness of competition just cant be found in others fgs. That alone makes it playable. And u actually really really end up around where u are skill wise atm with MR. So seeing improvement is very obvious n visible


Jun 1, 2012
It's certainly possible that PP as it is now is a necessary evil, which would simply mean SF6 is a great but imperfect game and we just gotta deal with it. On contrary to what might be believed, I'm not actually going on SF6 and whining anytime I get PP'd. I just try to incorporate it into my game and feel its overpowered when I think about it critically. I'm the opposite of Aveda in that I genuinely LOVE THE GAME. Flaws and all, I've never had this much fun playing a fighting game while getting stronger. Don't have an issue with the stressful amount of mental stack the game promotes either. I actually agree with O.Red that it ultimately is making people better fighting game players.

However, I am not buying that absolutely NOTHING can be done about PP without it totally unravelling the ecosystem of the game. I do not buy that...yet, and probably never will. I also probably won't have to because I firmly believe it will be adjusted in Season 2 :pachaha:

If PP is never changed though, whatever, but it's easy to see why it isn't enjoyed at the highest level and it's not as simple as pLaYerS jUsT dOn"T wAnT tO GeT cAlLeD OuT.

Game already has a ton of call outs. shyt might as well be titled Street Fighter 6: Call Out Edition. Drive Impact, Drive Rush, SA3, some SA1 are all call out tools. They're just all ones that require an actual risk of some sort. PP is like calling the toughest kid on your block out....from the safety of your home that has an elite security system, from the 5th floor of your bullet proof window while holding a taser in one hand and a baseball bat in the other, and he's in another country enjoying vacation with family. Ain't nothing impressive or cool about the call out cuz you safe as fukk and nothing bad is happening to you.

I think "We might as well be playing SF5" is inaccurate too. Even with PP adjusted, they aren't the same game at all. Frame data is mostly negative without DR, drive meter and burn out would still exist, DR and DI would still be a thing. That's a reach.

Again, nobody is advocating for PP being removed, just looked at.

Lol, can I be on the podcast now @Batsute ? :troll:

I feel you breh, you cool with PP. We'll see how things shake out with in the future. I'll be playing and loving the game regardless. (That shyt OP though).

When I said the power levels in SF6 are extremely high, I remember you initially responding before I elaborated "Oh I see now. You're a fan of hyperbole :mjlol: " Defo came out the gate tryna play me.

You are contentious, abrasive and enjoy disagreeing and debating. I'm not really into shyt like that. I'll defend my stance and elaborate but I'm not really into the sport of arguing. Definitely when I was a kid but not as an adult.

You are insightful, intelligent, and have interesting takes. I've dapped multiple posts of yours and co-signed some of your views. Your approach to interacting is what it is though and I think you're either being disingenuous or lacking in self-awareness if you don't know that.

Aveda is contentious too but the difference is he don't be coming off like he tryna little bro people and be the smartest in the room. Truth be told, after finally getting to fight him, dude is skilled enough that he could be throwing his weight around a LOT more than he is if he felt like it.

I actually disagree with him on things more than you overall (SF6's quality, views on games like UMVC3, what makes fighting games enjoyable, JP being borderline broken and obviously the best character, how match ups play out, etc), but it's the approach. We disagree then keep it moving.

Nobody was ever ducking you on elaborating about what "random" is. Nobody was ever blindly dikk riding Punk's views or anyone else's on the game either. He's been saying PP is dumb from week 1 and I disagreed strongly and thought he was just crying until I got better at the game and saw things differently. That's all lol.

Also keep in mind that I actually fukk with SF6 heavily so Aveda's views and mine don't intertwine about it often. We just agree about Perfect Parry.

In regards to SF6, I think PP is too strong, JP and Ken need to be reigned in, Drive Rush is a bit too good, and that's about it. And even if none of that stuff changed, it'll still probably go down as my favorite fighting game ever. It took me quite sometime to even start to acknowledge the game's flaws because I love it so much. I'm cool with its hefty mental stack and I'm cool being "called out" etc.
When I said the power levels in SF6 are extremely high, I remember you initially responding before I elaborated "Oh I see now. You're a fan of hyperbole :mjlol: " Defo came out the gate tryna play me

Nobody trying to play you:dahell: especially not on some personal shyt. If I thought that shyt was hyperbolic I thought it was hyperbolic:manny: either way like I said I'll attack a nikkas points but never the person. We clearly have different views and interpretations on this "lil bro" shyt. It's funny that you mention Aveda when I've seen this nikka invalidate the views of people he beats, topic be damned on some " :wtf: I beat you 20-2 why are you even addressing me" shyt. Then there's you with "If you don't think PP is busted you just ain't good enough to comprehend". I think these are literal personal attacks but it is what it is:manny: nikkas got different methods

Abrasive? I am:manny:

I don't even like arguing:mjlol: I pursue clarity. Sometimes abrasively:mjlol: That's why I harp on definitions because nikkas just throw words around as a deflection from accountability. If I ask what something means and the answer doesn't make sense i keep asking till it does. That's how I learn:manny: and either way I still think there's no such thing as "honest neutral" so part of my questioning is from a place of thinking some of these terms are nonsense:manny:
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Jun 1, 2012
As far as parry I get the complaints but I think nikkas are over exaggerating it having no consequence

I find it odd how little nikkas acknowledge the fact that punish counter throw hurts like a bytch, in a game with meaty throw and possibly the widest throw range ever in a SF game. If a nikka Hail Mary parries and gets read I see no issue with him eating punish counter throw damage

But I'm also a fan of extremely high damage and accountability. So if nikkas advocating for nikkas to lose half their life because they parried wrong it's fine by me:manny:

Like I said if it were up to me I'd just remove regular parry, that way if you mistime a PP you die. But as far as PP shifting the tide of a game? I love it. If we talking some Laura Mk into vtrigger tictactoe mix I understand, but with a universal mechanic? Let that shyt rock:manny:

Clark Wayne

Jul 22, 2013
Manon mains, ya'll having fun over there playing Street Fighter 2 when everybody else playing Street Fighter 6?

Trying to make it work. :francis:

It gets frustrating seeing characters basically teleport across the screen or just throw out bullshyt and you have to sit there and hold it like :unimpressed:

I will say playing Manon teaches you to have a lot of patience and being solid in your blocking, throw techs and anti-airs. :yeshrug:

In the meantime I’ll be trying out AKI and see if she will be my 2nd character. I wasn’t that interested in her at first but she grew on me.:ehh:


The Lion Choker
Mar 11, 2013
Trying to make it work. :francis:

It gets frustrating seeing characters basically teleport across the screen or just throw out bullshyt and you have to sit there and hold it like :unimpressed:

I will say playing Manon teaches you to have a lot of patience and being solid in your blocking, throw techs and anti-airs. :yeshrug:

In the meantime I’ll be trying out AKI and see if she will be my 2nd character. I wasn’t that interested in her at first but she grew on me.:ehh:

That’s probably the worst part breh then you say, “let me try this dumb shyt at mid range only to get mashed lp or neutral jump.”:mjcry:

At this point I’ll settle bullshyt ass buffs

- make QCB+HK an airborne state attack
- let DF+HK connect outside the corner on OD
- Make the first hit of HP target combo cancellable for DI

I’m not even gonna ask for to be cancellable