It's certainly possible that PP as it is now is a necessary evil, which would simply mean SF6 is a great but imperfect game and we just gotta deal with it. On contrary to what might be believed, I'm not actually going on SF6 and whining anytime I get PP'd. I just try to incorporate it into my game and feel its overpowered when I think about it critically. I'm the opposite of Aveda in that I genuinely
LOVE THE GAME. Flaws and all, I've never had this much fun playing a fighting game while getting stronger. Don't have an issue with the stressful amount of mental stack the game promotes either. I actually agree with O.Red that it ultimately is making people better fighting game players.
However, I am not buying that absolutely NOTHING can be done about PP without it totally unravelling the ecosystem of the game. I do not buy that...yet, and probably never will. I also probably won't have to because I firmly believe it will be adjusted in Season 2
If PP is never changed though, whatever, but it's easy to see why it isn't enjoyed at the highest level and it's not as simple as pLaYerS jUsT dOn"T wAnT tO GeT cAlLeD OuT.
Game already has a ton of call outs. shyt might as well be titled Street Fighter 6: Call Out Edition. Drive Impact, Drive Rush, SA3, some SA1 are all call out tools. They're just all ones that require an actual risk of some sort. PP is like calling the toughest kid on your block out....from the safety of your home that has an elite security system, from the 5th floor of your bullet proof window while holding a taser in one hand and a baseball bat in the other, and he's in another country enjoying vacation with family. Ain't nothing impressive or cool about the call out cuz you safe as fukk and nothing bad is happening to you.
I think "We might as well be playing SF5" is inaccurate too. Even with PP adjusted, they aren't the same game at all. Frame data is mostly negative without DR, drive meter and burn out would still exist, DR and DI would still be a thing. That's a reach.
Again, nobody is advocating for PP being removed, just looked at.
Lol, can I be on the podcast now
@Batsute ?
I feel you breh, you cool with PP. We'll see how things shake out with in the future. I'll be playing and loving the game regardless. (That shyt OP though).
When I said the power levels in SF6 are extremely high, I remember you initially responding before I elaborated "Oh I see now. You're a fan of hyperbole

" Defo came out the gate tryna play me.
You are contentious, abrasive and enjoy disagreeing and debating. I'm not really into shyt like that. I'll defend my stance and elaborate but I'm not really into the sport of arguing. Definitely when I was a kid but not as an adult.
You are insightful, intelligent, and have interesting takes. I've dapped multiple posts of yours and co-signed some of your views. Your approach to interacting is what it is though and I think you're either being disingenuous or lacking in self-awareness if you don't know that.
Aveda is contentious too but the difference is he don't be coming off like he tryna little bro people and be the smartest in the room. Truth be told, after finally getting to fight him, dude is skilled enough that he could be throwing his weight around a LOT more than he is if he felt like it.
I actually disagree with him on things more than you overall (SF6's quality, views on games like UMVC3, what makes fighting games enjoyable, JP being borderline broken and obviously the best character, how match ups play out, etc), but it's the approach. We disagree then keep it moving.
Nobody was ever ducking you on elaborating about what "random" is. Nobody was ever blindly dikk riding Punk's views or anyone else's on the game either. He's been saying PP is dumb from week 1 and I disagreed
strongly and thought he was just crying until I got better at the game and saw things differently. That's all lol.
Also keep in mind that I actually fukk with SF6 heavily so Aveda's views and mine don't intertwine about it often. We just agree about Perfect Parry.
In regards to SF6, I think PP is too strong, JP and Ken need to be reigned in, Drive Rush is a bit too good, and that's about it. And even if none of that stuff changed, it'll still probably go down as my favorite fighting game ever. It took me quite sometime to even start to acknowledge the game's flaws because I love it so much. I'm cool with its hefty mental stack and I'm cool being "called out" etc.