by welfare definition, when you hit $21,000 a year, you are in the "middle class" out of welfare need.
are you dumb?
think about that. you wanna tax those right out of the welfare brakket.
you wanna raise taxes on those people because they dont need welfare.
you still think kennedy was an imperialist?? how??????
do you realize that BUSH jr had only a 4% average unemployment rate while obama had 9%
how is someone who finally gets a job and get some $$ to then get taxed and raped if they go over $21000..
how is that fair if they dont have a steady job to begin with?? obama put is into unemployment and inflation.
if anything, kennedy wouldve been a reagonomics lover
Buddy, that's called the working class. Sanders catches hell for wanting to raise taxes on ppl making like 200k not 20k.
Just to reiterate here; fukk JFK. And again, JFK wa talking about cutting taxes from war time highs(90% in spots even), you're talking about further cutting effective tax rates of 12%