Just came back.
The controller is really comfortable. In pics it looks like a small change but once you grasp the controller, you can really get a nice grip with it. The buttons and analog sticks felt nice and the touchpad wasnt very big. The triggers felt something like the real triggers that you'd put on the PS3 controller. it's not quite like the 360 triggers but it's good though.
Now demo wise I was very disappointed to be honest. You don't showcase a new console using half assed ports of last gen games and the game I'm talking about is Fifa 14. The game looks hardly different from current gen versions at a glance and only thing I noticed was it's just a nice cleaner image but nothing too drastic. I don't care about soccer so I tried to exit out the game but it seems like the system wasn't doing anything when I pressed the PS button. I think the unit was stuck on Fifa.
Knack I didn't get to play because some kids were on it but graphically it looked okay in some parts and some parts looked a littler nice but it doesn't look like something you'd never see playing on current gen. I wanted to play it but I just decided to leave since this kid was playing it for a long time. It looked difficult though as this one dude who was playing it when i first got in there was dying repeatedly. I don't think there was any other demos there so that's what kind of ticked me off.
There was this troll there coming in saying the games looked like Playstation 3.5 and dreamcast. He was then joking about how he could try and steal the PS4 since it was only a shell out on the counter. You can hear him talking near the end of the video saying something about "Playstation 2 hardware."
Terrible way imo to show new hardware because those games simply weren't screaming next gen. I wish they had a demo for Killzone and Resogun or Driveclub at least. Still excited to get mines day 1 still.
The controller is really comfortable. In pics it looks like a small change but once you grasp the controller, you can really get a nice grip with it. The buttons and analog sticks felt nice and the touchpad wasnt very big. The triggers felt something like the real triggers that you'd put on the PS3 controller. it's not quite like the 360 triggers but it's good though.
Now demo wise I was very disappointed to be honest. You don't showcase a new console using half assed ports of last gen games and the game I'm talking about is Fifa 14. The game looks hardly different from current gen versions at a glance and only thing I noticed was it's just a nice cleaner image but nothing too drastic. I don't care about soccer so I tried to exit out the game but it seems like the system wasn't doing anything when I pressed the PS button. I think the unit was stuck on Fifa.
Knack I didn't get to play because some kids were on it but graphically it looked okay in some parts and some parts looked a littler nice but it doesn't look like something you'd never see playing on current gen. I wanted to play it but I just decided to leave since this kid was playing it for a long time. It looked difficult though as this one dude who was playing it when i first got in there was dying repeatedly. I don't think there was any other demos there so that's what kind of ticked me off.
There was this troll there coming in saying the games looked like Playstation 3.5 and dreamcast. He was then joking about how he could try and steal the PS4 since it was only a shell out on the counter. You can hear him talking near the end of the video saying something about "Playstation 2 hardware."
Terrible way imo to show new hardware because those games simply weren't screaming next gen. I wish they had a demo for Killzone and Resogun or Driveclub at least. Still excited to get mines day 1 still.
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