there been a lot of article about the racial politics or white people not getting the show some it feels like click bait cause they all quote the same two or three tweets but here my take on it
First off
cheo_coker should be lauded for the writing because the characters he was given were very campy/broad and he made them real people. He had a harder job then
#daredevil and
#Jessicajones creative team cause no one done realistic take on
#lukecage side characters like they did with the others.
I like the acting and actors on Luke Cage a lot; But it's a culture I grew up around and in so I understand it. I think our lack of empathy for one another cause a lot of the discord we have. If you never get exposed to other cultures or experiences you just can't wrap your head around some else normal. I think if Luke Cage is the first time your seeing a naturalistic take on a black community it would be jarring , But it shows how little we truly try to get to know each other and see how others live.
Some parts are boring and a little shabby done. The special effects are crap compared to like The Flash. (Cotton Mouth rocket launcher, Luke getting hit by the car, etc
But all the marvel series have pacing issues.the 13 episode format is too much for these shows to handle.
Do we need to see foggy yell at matt or Matt pray again? Do we need to see Jessica argue about weather to kill Killgrave or get passed out drunk again? Do we need a music video in the middle of a Luke Cage episode? Do we need misty dumb look at the picture and be there for five minutes?
I only seen the first six though