The corner where Elliot finds the cab in S02E11 is at 25th and 8th. The Wellick's address, telegraphed (twice!) on the divorce paper Joanna gives to Derek in S2E07 and again on the FBI board in S2E12, is 298 West 25th St.
Tyrell appears in the cab, snappily dressed. America's Most Wanted seems to be "hiding" very close to home.
The duration of the cab journey is strange, too. When Elliot is "following" Mr Robot through the swap meet in the park, there's a focus pull to a sign that clearly says the swap meet finishes at 9pm, before pulling back to focus on Elliot's face. (In the intercut scene of Angela Stepford Wife-ing it up on the lawyer's doorstep, the TV says it's 8.20, although in this show, that's no guarantee that it's the same day, planet or universe). Anyway, Elliot and Tyrell zip downtown to Chambers and Church – at most a 15-minute drive – yet you can see the sun coming up through the windshield in the driver's final shot. There's a definite dawn glow happening for Tyrell's Casablanca line. When we see them arriving at the Confictura building in S02E12, it's properly daylight. The clean suit guy is eating something from Red Wheelbarrow BBQ which, according to the back of the menu we see Mr Robot holding, is only open on Friday and Saturday from 11.30am to 12am. So what time is it?
While the narrative is presented as being a single continuous event – Elliot learns the address, gets into the cab, he and Tyrell arrive at the building – the evidence suggests that they are separate events. We think we've seen the beginning, middle and end of a cab ride and that the shooting happened after that. What if it happened as a completely separate event during the missing 3 days?