Loved this.
It gave me a nice bit of validation, on a writing tip too. It sounds like we have similar processes
When he said 'Season 2' is Empire Strikes Back he had me
I really don't know what he's telegraphing though. I like to think that I'm observant while watching this, but I find myself finding details he planted episodes later in some cases.If Reddit haven't found it with all the decoding and ARG's - I don't know what it could be.
I'm not concerned with trying to figure out. As someone who writes I know I can put a ton of stuff in a script that makes perfect sense to me and seems obvious but let 100 people read it and nobody sees it.
Kinda like the whole "red wheelbarrow" thing. Yeah it's been hinted at and ever present throughout most of the season, but ultimately it doesn't matter a single bit.
I'm sure the thing he's telegraphing will be nice when we find out, but guessing it ahead of time won't make the show any more enjoyable. In fact it'll probably make it less enjoyable.
I'm all for people having theories, even though I'm #teamnotheories to the core, because people get upset when they come up with a theory, jump 5 steps ahead, then when the actual show written by the actual creator catches up to them and their theory isn't valid, they get upset.
"Hey Sam Esmail, that thing I thought it was but you never said it was didn't happen, so I'm upset. What happened to the time travel theory I pulled out of my ass? Or the 'Elliot is an android machine' hypothesis I had no evidence for. Your show frustrates me because I can't second guess it. Regards, Nerd."