Yes. all the the time. Every easter egg does not pan out to mean anything. Often its just the film makers way of acknowledging fans of the source material. nothing more nothing less.
No, you said these "marvel movies" aren't made to appeal to comic fans, so why would they need to drop easter eggs for a supposed demographic they don't care about?
The point is your dont need to catch the easter eggs to know whats going on in these movies. The films so far have all been very simple and explained themselves. You guys have to separate yourselves from the source material. Your filling in gaps and things missing in the movie with your knowledge of the source material and comics which have depth and are complexly interwoven. The movies do not do this and its on purpose cause like I said they are meant to stand alone and engage the average viewer. As a result of this though they end up being cookie cutter popcorn flicks. not the cinematic masterpieces your proclaiming them to be.
Not really, they do tie into subsequent films (unless you've got the scripts to GOTG 2 and Avengers 2

EDIT: Execpt for the Iron Man series, they lucked out with Robert Downey Jr with that one, 3 still has me like

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