You were erroneously labeled a disney stan, there, are you ok now? Ya big baby
What makes A LOT of these guys get the label is the following combo:
That combination of opinions which are seen reguarly, makes it clear someone is biased toward disney movies.
- hypebeasting over GOTG [star wars comparisons and shyt]
- hypebeasting over winter soldier
- ignoring faults in the vast majority of disney films, and calling out those same faults in other films
- not being able to accept criticism for disney films [the entire villians thread]
- predicting failure or lowering expectations of non disney superhero films, including X-men films
- exadgerating the success of disney films in comparison to their peers [ie, how spiderman is like 5 of the top ten box office draw ever for comic flms]
- being radically overexcited over small charactor disney films [antman] and being ho-hum over mega blockbusters for non disney films [Batman vs superman] or other tier-2 movies [sinister six, wonderwoman]
- using double standards when talking about prior films [hulk is a success but green lantern is a failure. batman trilogy somehow doesn't count? No spiderman film has ever bombed...but none are good somehow?]
The fact that I, someone that has shyt on most of the MCU movies, that has said he only likes 3 out of the 10 released MCU movies....that said "TDK" is superior to every MCU movie....the fact that despite of all that, I could be labeled a stan of Marvel, let alone Disney in general, shows how fukking retarded your stan criteria is.
Instead of worrying about who is stanning what go check for something you enjoy. You dudes been arguing for 50 pages and neither side is any closer to it's goal than the other.
And "Hulk" made $263 mill on a $150 mill budget. "Green Lantern" made $219 mill on a $200 mill budget. So yes, one is a success and one is a failure.

This is what I'm talking about though. If you don't have your basic facts straight of course everyone seems like a stan.