he did the usual talk himself into a bunch of circles, but it sounds like he did ask for $250M especially since he continuously talks about how his podcast is worth "six figgers" and did some wild math where he ended up netting out at the number being $250M.So I’m confused did Joe ask for 250 Ms or not? I have no issue with him asking, get your bread. But the first part of his rant he was laughing at Andrew Schultz for saying that’s what he asked for, but as his rant continued it came across like he did ask for it. He was even using the Lavar Ball sneakers as an example of people thinking you’re crazy for asking a lot for something you created.
sounds like he started the asking price at $250M, but then would take at least $75M. i would just like to hear him get into the analytics and performance metrics he talks so much about, and compare those to the others he's basing his price on.
any word from Cthagod on Breakfast Club this morning??