The Official Joe Budden Podcast Thread

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
yo who is this nikka flip has talking to the dominatrix?? :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:


ok I remember this nikka :russ:

OT but breadman wasn’t in the wrong here…ppl sided with the other dude only cuz he was gay…nobody should be randomly dipping their fukking fingers in somebody’s drink tho

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Dec 18, 2017
Yes. He was.

I need to find the post I made in here about it.

Rory's energy was SUPER fukked up and dragging shyt down. COVID just pushed them over the edge doing Zoom podcasts.

Listen, bench role players gotta know their role. PARKS knew what was up and he never got too big headed. Rory thought he was bigger than the movement and not to mention lying about the Akademiks shyt didn't help either.

People in the comments were saying Rory was being a buzzkill too. Mal just gambled wrong. He knows damn well he'd be thriving with Joe's current show right now.

Joe continues to bring in money to the show and the platform and he's doing well. People gotta stop trying to make this shyt into something THEY want.
See, on R&M, I understand Joes and your point. Rory is the weakest part but wants to be showrunner. I thought it was weird when he had his laptop and started doing sounds like Joe.

But to say that Joe wasn’t a huge part of the issues: picking at Spotify, Charlamagne and shytting on topics, is ignorant to say. One of their last arguments had people on here callling Joe an idiot for shytting on colleges and arguing for the sake of doing it. I’m Mal’s case, it was being disinterested. These were criticisms in the threads as well.


May 1, 2012
Rory was not the only problem before the end. Mal checked out but so did Joe. Joe was 100% dealing topics and getting increasingly irate because Charlemagne baited him into starting an entire network. And while I’m sure Joe wanted Rory gone, he 100% was blindsided that Mal was willing to side with him.

I think Rory is terrible on the new pod and that Joe was right about him leaving (too industry, passive and seemed depressed), but to say that Rory was the only one that made the pod shyt is plain-wrong. You could even go back and see people comment on how Joe was fukking shyt up because he desperately wanted to go viral by telling about something he barely understands.

At the end of the day, the three of them were better together than apart. But they’re not mending that. Well, Joe and Rory, because Rory seems like he would. Mal, I can say a lot about the dumb shyt he would/still says, but I won’t deny that he showed some gumption for standing up for something he believed was wrong.
Agreed wholeheartedly. At the end Joe was too busy trying to show everybody how smart he is about not resigning with Spotify and how he's such a mogul. Full episodes just nonstop ranting about the pod and how stupid the audience is and don't understand business. It was also at that time that he would cut off R&M anytime they would try to contribute to topics or do dumb shyt when he didn't like a topic. It became a podcast about the podcast. Joe was also taking their very real issues from behind the scenes and would make jokes about it as if he's rubbing it in R&M's face which contributed to the hostility.

And Mal was sleepwalking through shows barely even talking and spending the whole show on his phone barely paying attention. They all contributed to the show being garbage by the end.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
yo who is this nikka flip has talking to the dominatrix?? :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:


ok I remember this nikka :russ:

OT but breadman wasn’t in the wrong here…ppl sided with the other dude only cuz he was gay…nobody should be randomly dipping their fukking fingers in somebody’s drink tho

“Straight Lives Matter” :dead:


May 1, 2012
Who yall? Ive sided with Joe on a bunch of shyt, including the Rory/Mal split. A lot of shyt wasnt adding up on their end. Rory saying "They gave me my stuff on an excel spreadsheet" told me he not a business person, because businesses still use excel. The fact that they kept dancing around the 400k missing stuff, but that never led to saying "That 400k gave us X more that we were owed" because they just wantd the 400k headline out there.
I didn't take their point as it being unprofessional receiving an excel spreadsheet. Their point was that Joe received the numbers from the accounting firm, then just typed a couple lines into the excel spreadsheet and then sent it over to them. Basically saying Joe could type anything in that spreadsheet so there was no way of knowing if they were fake numbers or actual numbers from the accountant.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
another joe convo where rory makes awkward jokes and mal lets us know he's protecting his peace (for joe's sake)?

Joe going viral without half trying and got Melyssa Ford, and Flip carrying the brand as well as Ice and Ish to hold him down. Parks is becoming his own damn brand.

Joe WON.
Mar 23, 2015
i think some of y'all taking that rory clip too serious ... in context of the no jumper convo it was just a lil comment they clipped up ... prolly knew it'd spark a convo like this lol

i do think rory initially was willing to work things out tho, he was a good podder on the old show imo, the 3 of them had impeccable chemistry

joe definitely had his part to play in how things played out - outside of him being abrasive, there were some miscalculations like being baited by charla to start the network without proper structure, he essentially was doing trial and error in front of the audience the whole time for better or worse ... he prolly didnt think Mal would leave either

but joe is definitely built for this podcast/broastcast shyt ... but at this point i don't see why both shows can't thrive and all listeners will be fed with content
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I wanna point out that I had been peeping Rory's energy and called out his centrality to the detriment of the show MONTHS before they left the show. I said so in this very thread numerous times!

Plus, Rory was going around saying he didn't even like podcasting!!!


Look here:
I Remember TaxStone saying that Rory was just a yes man. And boy was he right. Wow.

Rory just call off the engagement bruh :heh:

Rory wants to be in these streets :wow:

Rory gotta figure out his own shyt cause he seems to not know his role. His aggression isn’t cute on here.

Rory is just picking everything to argue about. This shyt is turning weird. That whole nanny bit was absurd.

This was a welcome relief from dumbass Mal and angry Rory :obama:

Rory played himself. Dude tried to get cute and Joe pulled his card.

Play. Your. Role.

Man Rory can kick rocks honestly. Dude is mad his girl found out he fukking cheated then took it out on the guy who made him FAMOUS.

What have we been listening to?

Rory has been WILDING for weeks!

Stop defending this shyt. Rory threatened to fight Joe on air and now we know it was a real threat and everyone was super concerned. That’s not normal.

Yeah but Rory and mal gotta play their roles. The man made them rich and openly said dozens of times he’s stepping out on faith to make them wealthy. He made them famous. So if he’s trying to quarterback a move they gotta fall back.

Joe’s the only one with the stats to prove his ability to build platforms. No one else can say that.

Joe said after Rory threatened to fight Joe and Joe felt Rory meant it, that Rory should chill for a few weeks.

I don’t know how people skip over that. Even Parks was saying Rorys energy was off cause his home life is in shambles. Then Rory tried to fire off on Joe. Bad move.

then Mal tried the “well I made y’all blow up cause of my perspective and Hov connection”...well that was 5 years ago and now Mal is on some dumbass hot take shyt and palling around with Trump.

I didn’t even mind Rory until the last few weeks but it’s obvious he has some problems and Joe wasn’t having it. Rory played himself and Mal thought he could pull a bigger move than he could.

Honestly you have to know who you’re talking to. Parks ain’t no dummy either. But Rory thought he was some super boss out here when he was just on thin ice and using his joe clout without remembering who gave him his Clout. JOE.

Rory was nobody before this show. So telling the man you want to fight on his platform is NUTS.

I’ve been consistent in here for months saying Rory was bugging. Oh well

I knew Rory was bugging when he was MAD ABOUT IF ALBUMS WERE MARKETED TO COLLEGE KIDS. wtf causes him to flip like that?!

Again. Rory has been taking out his failed engagement on Joe. This shyt isn’t new. This is all from Rory cheating on his fiancé.

Cause they know Rory is bull shytting. He’s been doing all this passive aggressive crap for months

It’s hard for me to respect a guy who’s energy has been a vortex of side discussions for MONTHS. Rory had everyone looking crazy out of nowhere.

Rory fukked up his own relationship then suppressed his feelings and projected his own insecurity on everyone else as not caring when he didn’t even reveal to others how bad he was doing. That’s HIS fault.

None of y’all will address Rory being out of pocket for the last 6 months.

This dude Rory going on other shows talking about podding not being his passion. Aight bruh. Step! :camby:

how much side shyt is Joe supposed to overlook?!

and even still , Joe KEEPS bigging up Rory and Mal. He ain’t even go in like that.

This dude Rory going on other shows talking about podding not being his passion. Aight bruh. Step! :camby:

how much side shyt is Joe supposed to overlook?!

and even still , Joe KEEPS bigging up Rory and Mal. He ain’t even go in like that.

Again. I called Rory's bullshyt out MONTHS ago.

Dude has BEEN on some aggy shyt. Then he threatens to fight the man who literally makes him famous? In front of a million listeners?

Nah fam. you Gotta go on time out. I don't give a FUUUCCKKKK what Joe said to him, but thats foul and you need to fix that. ASAP.

Workers play worker roles. Period.

A lot of y'all weren't peeping the signs 6+ months ago :francis:

Depression? Bruh. He cheated. All that other shyt is cap cause he’s on the outs with his fiancé.

Rory ain't depressed. He's embarrassed his future marriage is on the rocks.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Part 2:

Again...Rory played himself...I was saying this in real time!

This is what I don't get... its almost white guy arrogance to see how Rory was moving.

Yes, joe's an a$$hole. But that why you stayed with him for five fukking years and he made you RICH and made you FAMOUS. Now you're out here making DJ Khaled level albums. His own man ruined the brand of those parties he was throwing. Dude was fukked up in the game...oh and he cheats on his fiancé?!? the fukk are you thinking??? He has no talent. He has no money. Being the white dude around Joe was everything he had to his name and he couldn't man the fukk up enough to fix his shyt before trying to take everyone else down.

like...what?! Thats a hell of a come up!

Rory should be kissing Joe's ass every day for even giving him that platform.

Now Rory is out here taking out the fact he CHEATED ON HIS FIANCE on everyone else and pushing that negative energy about his home life and depression and all this bullshyt but not even keep it real WHY he feels that way... Rory is bullshytting but its Joe so people dont wanna listen to his side of the story.

Imagine if you're've fukking captured lightning in a bottle DOZENS of times. The man has revamped online and social media content DOZENS of times. He's a hell of a talent, but hes hell to work with. But they should've known this. Now they wanna act dumb.

Even Joe was showing signs of getting annoyed with them not even listening to music or contributing to stuff outside of the podcast! He was getting frustrated with them never elaborating on things! Then Rory wants to come in talking about his meeting with psychics in parking lots....and why is he seeing psychics??? CAUSE HE CHEATED ON HIS GIRL AND SHE LEFT.

This is all Rory's fault, then he tried to fire off on Joe.

Nah bruh. Too far.





I don't care what Joe said to Rory. You can't talk about fighting Joe then him calling your card and saying yo we ain't doing that.

Rory was thinking he had more finesse than he really did and Joe put a stop to that.

Rory needs to fix his fukking face.

Yes. Thats what he signed up for

And Joe wasn't disrespecting Rory.

Rory has been bringing toxic bullshyt for months, and now Joe pulled his card.

Wrong. Rory was too comfortable making threats and Mal is an idiot.

Nope. It was Rory steaming in the corner over some bullshyt he has going on with his fiancé he cheated on.

No one wants to mention Joe lowkey asking Rory and Mal to contribute more to the show. He was always egging them for more contributions and commentary. Joe was pulling all the weight. 2020 exposed Mal as a literal idiot and Rory as an emotional orange

Rory and Mal hate each other. Always have.

I don’t know how people wanted Joe to handle that. Rory was doing this shyt for MONTHS.

Rory and Mal took a L when he quoted that patreon investment talk

And Rory is still trying to fight Joe. I’m straight on entertaining his bullshyt.

Rory argues TOOOO MUCH

I can't stand Rory now

Honestly, I respect Joe for this.

He gave them MULTIPLE times to fix their shyt.

Joe Budden gave Mal and Rory MULTIPLE chances to try business for themselves.

Just straight LOSER mentalities.

Rory kept bringing his bullshyt to ANOTHER MAN'S business... and that age gap was clearly a problem. Seems Rory's young white boy shyt was just not going to work the same way.

Mal added nothing and got lazy.

Rory had bad energy.

Good riddance.

Rory doing that Akademiks move blew his bag. smh.

that was sparing Rory.

Joe spared Rory for MONTHS.


RORY DID THAT shyt :mindblown:

Rory was a liability :scust: :picard: :hhh:

Joe got Rory and Mal to act right and finally get a business going :ohhh:

its really not. Joe just has to be consistent and wait it out. All this hype shyt finna fade, REAL quick.

Rory and Mal got no natural chemistry outside of disdain for Joe and a GUEST DRIVEN show won't work

thats why Rory had to be fired IMO.

Dude was threatening Joe. Didn't believe in the vision. Openly taking shots.

and what was Joe supposed to do? Tolerate it? This dude Rory was bringing negative energy to the show cause HE cheated on his fiancé and expected everyone else to shoulder that burden.

...and for what? Joe's podcast has returned back even stronger and has shown CONTENT WISE, you can't beat Joe Budden. Rory and Mal have had all the support and still can't create compelling content. Them getting a bag won't improve their content.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
i think some of y'all taking that rory clip too serious ... in context of the no jumper convo it was just a lil comment they clipped up ... prolly knew it'd spark a convo like this lol

i do think rory initially was willing to work things out tho, he was a good podder on the old show imo, the 3 of them had impeccable chemistry

joe definitely had his part to play in how things played out - outside of him being abrasive, there were some miscalculations like being baited by charla to start the network without proper structure, he essentially was doing trial and error in front of the audience the whole time for better or worse ... he prolly didnt think Mal would leave either

but joe is definitely built for his podcast/broastcast shyt ... but at this point i don't see why both shows can't thrive and all listeners will be fed with content
no he wasn't. stop sucking down that chowder bruh. he was ass.


Mrs. Boss Lady
Mar 11, 2022
Disingenuous again. Joe is doing everything to go viral. At the pods peak, he never had to do shyt like this.

Facts. You can tell when he's doing that dumb shyt too, being overly argumentative not because that's his opinion but because it can make a viral clip.

And to even infer that Joe had no part in the original fallout of the JBP is the highest of delusion. He still does the same BS to his current staff.

Lord Beasley

Aug 2, 2012
469 x 972 x 702
Yes. He was.

I need to find the post I made in here about it.

Rory's energy was SUPER fukked up and dragging shyt down. COVID just pushed them over the edge doing Zoom podcasts.

Listen, bench role players gotta know their role. PARKS knew what was up and he never got too big headed. Rory thought he was bigger than the movement and not to mention lying about the Akademiks shyt didn't help either.

People in the comments were saying Rory was being a buzzkill too. Mal just gambled wrong. He knows damn well he'd be thriving with Joe's current show right now.

Joe continues to bring in money to the show and the platform and he's doing well. People gotta stop trying to make this shyt into something THEY want.
we know ak wasnt lying because he sent a direct threat to Rory around that time. Told him done speak on him or he'd air him out. rory didn't say shyt and his engagement was in shambles...AK piled on bc he knew the side piece.

Rory own podcast mate took a shot at him about the picnic on today's episode.