
Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
And you want the end on the terms of Hamas' backers and funders which is Israel. We got it breh (? or creh? or jewreh?).

lmao lash out and accuse people of being Jews

"We don't support Hamas and we're not bigoted"

go protest some more and inflate cops wages you stupid piece of shyt


Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
lmao lash out and accuse people of being Jews

"We don't support Hamas and we're not bigoted"

go protest some more and inflate cops wages you stupid piece of shyt


Where did I lash out? I said breh or creh or jewreh. You said you back the backers of Hamas, Israel. And you clearly had to make up that last thing because you have nowhere else to spin.

Might makes right. Terrorist-funding governments --as you said-- will win. You got it. :hubie:

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
We all know this. No one has claimed that Israel invented settler colonialism. That's what you're not getting. That the Arabs colonized the Levant thousands of years ago. That the Arabs colonized the Levant thousands of years ago is not germane to this discussion of the modern nation state of Israel conducting ethnic cleansing and genocidal policies against living, breathing Palestinians right now in this modern era.
Yes, it’s very much relevant. Your sides inability to understand the Israeli side is exactly why you keep losing. One more rocket attack, one more massacre, one campus divestment and Israel will fold and 7 million Jews will embrace their new Islamic democratic masters.

The same error the Arab armies made in 1948. If we just show up the Jews will flee to the sea. It’s a settler colonial state of white Europeans who will leave at the first gun shot.

Except no, this is an existential conflict involving the very race endemic to the region. Peoples whose parents still speak Arabic at home. When they go out to oppress a Muslim they aren’t doing so because of the Holocaust, they are doing so because of the multitude of stories of oppression in the Middle East passed down by their families.

We aren’t talking about the Babylonians, we are talking about massacres and ethnic cleansing that occurred in living memory. Not in Europe, but an 8 hour drive away. Not in 1000AD, in 1933, 1947, 1975. The Israeli’s have to be white colonists, your cognitive dissonance won’t allow you to accept Israel’s rationale as anything other than an extension of America’s colonization of the Omaha or Cherokee.

To be fair to you, the Israeli leadership is also widely delusional that they can back the Palestinians up against wall and they will leave. It’s why the concept of the two state solution is anemic to both of you as that would mean acknowledging the historical grievances and dignity of both peoples.

And even if your demonstrably incorrect and Orientalist claim that the current conflict is no different than every conflict in the region were true,

How is it different? Explain. We literally have chroniclers from the 20th century that state that in Iran there was Jewish quarters that the Jews weren’t allowed to leave and could be randomly subject to property confiscation and beatings. How is that different than current Palestine. :mjlol: Because we didn’t have 24 hour news during the reign of the Qatar’s?

The following street song which was common in Tehran in the 19th century demonstrates the negative view of average Persian Muslim towards the Persian Jews:

The Jew (Originally Juhud (Persian:جهود), a negative term meaning Jew) who is without honor, Is a nuisance from head to toe, He is a lie from toe to head, May scum cover his father's grave, He is an enemy of the religion of Islam, Don't call him a Jew, he is an infidel, His scarf, his gown and his shirt, His property, his children and his wife, Don't say they are bad, for they belong to you, Take them and screw them, they are lawful to you.

Weird. Sounds just like the songs Jews sign about Palestinians today. Hmm I wonder if the hundreds of thousands of Iranian Jews who live in Israel know about this? Nah I’m sure they’ve forgotten like we have forgotten about chattel slavery in the United States. Jim Crow was so long ago.
Israel's actions are obviously unique in many facets, perhaps most relevantly that they're happening right now in our lifetime as opposed to the thousands years old events
Yes, the thousands of year old events that occurred within living memory of millions of people :mjlol: the point was to illustrate the history of the region being not fundamentally Arabic. The 2nd point was to illustrate that the majority of Jews in Israel come from the Middle East and lived within horse and carriage traveling distance from modern Israel and illustrated why you people shouting settler colonialism isn’t going to make Israel spontaneously combust.

I don't know why you're terrified of acknowledging that colonialism was a real thing and it was deeply infused with du jour racial ideology. For some unknown reason you're going to the mat to defend the enlightened racial understanding of 19th and 20th century white European colonialists like Ze'ev Jabotinsky ("Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised. That is what the Arabs in Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope that they will be able to prevent the transformation of "Palestine" into the "Land of Israel."), Theodore Hertzl ("We should there [in Palestine] form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism."), David Ben-Gurion ("Palestine is grossly under populated. It contains vast colonization potential which the Arabs neither need nor are qualified (because of their lack of need) to exploit.)" and Lord Balfour. You claim these men had no racial ideology underpinning their explicit colonial actions that created the state of Israel. Absurd.

So 19th century actions and motivations apply now? :mjgrin:

The idea that the Western colonial powers chose to support the Zionists solely because they kept winning wars is just so idiotic. These wars you reference, remind me of their dates? And remind me of the date of the Balfour declaration?

The Balfour declaration was made as a reward for Jewish and Palestinian support during the destruction of the Ottoman Empire.

The Jews actually had to kill and wound hundreds of British soldiers in an insurgency to achieve the establishment of a jewish state

Now explain if the British were wholly supportive of a western aligned colonial project how come the Jews had to bomb British soldiers?

Relations between Israel and Britain were hostile during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, at one point bringing the two countries to the edge of direct military confrontation. Britain, which had military forces in Egypt and Transjordan and defense agreements with both nations, foresaw possible military intervention on their behalf. Early in the war, a Royal Air Force base in Amman was hit during an Israeli raid on the city.[11] The British threatened to attack the Israeli Air Force if such an action was repeated. During the battles in Sinai, the Royal Air Force conducted almost daily reconnaissance missions over Israel and the Sinai. RAF reconnaissance aircraft took off from Egyptian airbases and sometimes flew alongside Royal Egyptian Air Force planes, and high-flying British aircraft frequently flew over Haifa and Ramat David Airbase. The British government planned military action against Israel codenamed Operation Clatter in the event of an Israeli invasion of Egypt and the flights were deployed to discover the strength of the Israeli Air Force and locate its forward bases.

I encourage you to read actual history rather than conspiracy theories.
Migration means moving from one place to another. Pattern means something that is repeated with consistency. Glad I could help.
I know what migration means. I’m asking if you believe the Christian’s and Jews in the Middle East migrated? Are they Canadian geese? Was this a seasonal thing in your mind?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The 73-year-old general practitioner Ahmad Al-Jamal was a fixture of his community.

He worked mornings at a public clinic in the Gaza Strip refugee camp of Nuseirat and afternoons at his own small private clinic, where residents turned to him for procedures such as circumcisions. He also was an imam at a local mosque, where he was known for his beautiful voice when reciting the Quran.
But for the past several months, when he finished his duties each day, he would return home to the apartment he shared with his son, his daughter-in-law and their children—and the three Israeli hostages they were hiding there for Hamas.

It was common knowledge in Nuseirat that the Al-Jamal family was close to Hamas, according to local residents who spoke to The Wall Street Journal. But they said few people in the densely populated area in central Gaza knew of the secret locked in the small, darkened room in the family’s apartment.


The June 8 rescue operation was accompanied by heavy airstrikes and turned into a fierce battle with Hamas in the streets, leaving behind death and destruction. In the days since, local residents have discussed the folly of Hamas keeping Israeli hostages above ground in a residential area near a bustling market.

Some people said they were surprised by the revelation, because it is hard to keep a secret in the densely built neighborhood. Even a cough can be heard through the walls of the concrete and cinder-block apartment buildings, they said.

Others were furious that Hamas had put civilians in danger. Any Israeli military action in the narrow streets of Nuseirat was bound to result in large numbers of dead and wounded, some residents said.

Some locals said Hamas should have held the hostages in tunnels. Others said they should have been returned to Israel as part of a deal to end the war. The failure to secure a cease-fire despite months of negotiations is causing growing frustration in Gaza, people across the war-torn enclave say.

Hamas should give us a map of the safe zones we can stay in, because if we knew there were hostages in the neighborhood, we would have looked for another place,” said Mustafa Muhammad, 36, who fled from Gaza City to Nuseirat early in the war with his wife and infant daughter.


Mar 11, 2022

Playing to the local crowd. He is a politician...still doesn't exclude the fact that IMO the 2 state solution is dead. The Palestinians should take any deal they can get so the world can move on, otherwise I don't think there will be much land left to negotiate over if this keeps going on.

History for the last 75 years is clear, when violence escalates, Israel gains land.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
They threatened the US with withholding tax revenue to force them to ease the weak sanctions placed on a few settlers in the first place, and then went ahead and did it anyway, even after they got what they wanted. It's time to stop talking and actually start taking action against him and Gvir.

extrajudicial killings or what did you have in mind?