Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
I actually did you a favor by only referring to that part of your post because the rest was complete non-sequitur nonsense that has nothing to do with the issue at hand but I have time now so ok.

This confirms you were asleep during World History because if you're assessing the past century of the region and come to the conclusion that Israel possesses some type of inherent goodness based on the migratory patterns of Arab Christians
This is why I keep commenting on the low IQ of you Hamas supporters. Nobody is saying Israel is inherently good or Arab inherently bad. Only that the current conflict is no different then every conflict in the region and the Arabs practiced sEtTlEr CoLoNiAliSm just like every major power in the region. Arabs were not native to the Levant nor responsible for the settle societies they moved in and appropriated and ethnically cleansed of its original inhabitants.

The context of the history lesson is the many posts detailing how unique Israel’s actions are and that this is some grand race war with Israel being used as the arm of the west to impose their dominance on the peaceful Arabs. Trust me you need it.

Islamaphobic orientalism
Yes, history is Islamaphobic :mjlol: You know all the ancient shyt ISIS was blowing up? Who do you think built it?

explain why there would be a migratory exodus of the Christian population from fukking SYRIA and IRAQ that isn't featured in Israel, the one government in the region that Western powers haven't tried to violently overthrow.

During World War I, the Assyrians of northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, northeastern Syria and northwestern Iran suffered the Assyrian genocide, which accounted for the deaths of up to 65% of the entire Assyrian population. In the year of Iraq's formal independence, 1933, the Iraqi militarycarried out large-scale massacres against the Assyrians (Simele massacre) which had supported the British colonial administration before.[4]

In the early 1930s, the Iraqi Arab ministries disseminated leaflets among the Kurds calling them to join them to massacre Assyrians. This call appealed to Islamic convictions and united Arabs and Kurds against the infidel Christians.[19] Shortly before the August 11 Simele massacre in 1933, Kurds began a campaign of looting against Assyrian settlements. The Assyrians fled to Simele, where they were also persecuted. According to some studies, there were many accounts by witnesses of numerous atrocities perpetrated by Arabs and Kurds on Assyrian women.[19]

In 1987, the last Iraqi census counted 1.4 million Christians.[20] They were tolerated under the secular regime of Saddam Hussein, who even made one of them, Tariq Aziz, his deputy. However, persecution by Saddam Hussein continued against the Eastern Aramaic speaking Christians on an ethnic, cultural and racial level. The Neo-Aramaiclanguage and writing was repressed, the giving of Syriac Christian names or Akkadian/Assyro-Babylonian names forbidden (Tariq Aziz's given name is Mikhail Yuhanna, for example), and Saddam exploited religious differences between Iraqi Christians' denominations such as the Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church of the East and Ancient Church of the East.[citation needed] Over 2,000 Iraqi Christians were ethnically cleansed from their towns and villages during the Anfal campaign of 1988.

and has some kind of soft spot for the autocracies of the region, and then throwing these dud smoke bombs into any discussion of Israel's apartheid and ethnic cleansing. You do this because to soberly acknowledge the facts of reality at hand exposes the moral and intellectual rot at the heart of your position. Like, either you genuinely believe we're all secretly card-carrying members of the Muslim Brotherhood, or that like you we should be impressed that Israel has received the imprimatur of Western colonial powers.
Yada Yada. You’re like a dime store Chomsky. Israel received the “imprimatur” of the “western colonial powers” because they kept winning wars and went head up against Soviets. As discussed before that they were at first the enemies of the British and lukewarm relations with the USA. Same reason the U.S. is allied with Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan. There’s no grand conspiracy to keep the mussleman down. :mjlol: Otherwise I don’t think you have any well thought out beliefs besides America bad. Hell, I’d rather converse with the Muslim brotherhood guys than you tankies.

The migratory patterns of Arabs who share the religious sensibilities of the Western colonial powers is not exculpatory to Israel's colonization and violent domination of the Palestinian people.
Wait what? Migratory patterns? Are you turning Maoist on us? Are you about to start talking about how mistakes are made and we need to kill all the sparrows to make the crops grow? Make sense man. :skip:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Didn't mention protesting but it should be part of the conversation much more than settler this and settler that. It's a big part of the reason that Jews and Christians are in Israel and why the "Axis of Resistance" attempts to wipe them out should be seen as a continuation of previous genocides.
Israel is a classic, archetypal, textbook definition of settler colonialism. The founders literally said so themselves. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but it's the lynchpin for this whole conflict. Without an understanding of the concept, you will continue to be lost in serious discussions about it. I know it would be much easier for Zionists and your fellow apologists to erase that fact from the historical record, just as it would be much easier for white racists in America to erase the actual nature of America's explicitly racist structure and history. By refusing to engage with the scholarship on this matter and trying to obfuscate and erase what are very clear terms and historical facts, you might as well have said "slave rights this and slave rights that, the War of Northern Aggression was really about states rights".

I don't know what this "Axis of Resistance" you reference is, sounds like something that came out of the Bush II Administration, but the calls for Palestinian Liberation actually cannot be seen as a continuation of previous genocides. And it's brutally ignorant to even try to make the comparison.

Were they still using lead paint wherever you grew up in Europe or was this just a racist dogwhistle you felt like throwing around? Really funny stuff...
I'm from China now, please keep up.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Looks like ChatGPT let you down. Let me know when you're ready to throw a coherent argument together.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
the Arabs practiced sEtTlEr CoLoNiAliSm just like every major power in the region. Arabs were not native to the Levant nor responsible for the settle societies they moved in and appropriated and ethnically cleansed of its original inhabitants.

We all know this. No one has claimed that Israel invented settler colonialism. That's what you're not getting. That the Arabs colonized the Levant thousands of years ago is not germane to this discussion of the modern nation state of Israel conducting ethnic cleansing and genocidal policies against living, breathing Palestinians right now in this modern era. We're not having a Historical debate over the Assyrian vs the Babylonians, we're talking about a Palestinian baby born in 2023 having their head blown off by a European settler who moved to the land within living memory. Stop trying to drag us into the shallow water where you think you'll have an easier time debating because I guarantee you, your argument will die there too.

And even if your demonstrably incorrect and Orientalist claim that the current conflict is no different than every conflict in the region were true, that would also have absolutely no bearing on the correct response to the conflict. That there have been genocides before doesn't mean it's somehow now permissible.

The context of the history lesson is the many posts detailing how unique Israel’s actions are and that this is some grand race war with Israel being used as the arm of the west to impose their dominance on the peaceful Arabs. Trust me you need it.

Israel's actions are obviously unique in many facets, perhaps most relevantly that they're happening right now in our lifetime as opposed to the thousands years old events you keep on referencing to distract from current events. As well as...you know...the scope and scale of modern weaponry creating unprecedented harm. I don't seem to remember the ancient Syrians dropping 2000 pound bunker busters dumb bombs on schools and refugee camps, but maybe I missed that lesson because I wasn't educated at Prager U.

I don't know why you're terrified of acknowledging that colonialism was a real thing and it was deeply infused with du jour racial ideology. For some unknown reason you're going to the mat to defend the enlightened racial understanding of 19th and 20th century white European colonialists like Ze'ev Jabotinsky ("Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised. That is what the Arabs in Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope that they will be able to prevent the transformation of "Palestine" into the "Land of Israel."), Theodore Hertzl ("We should there [in Palestine] form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism."), David Ben-Gurion ("Palestine is grossly under populated. It contains vast colonization potential which the Arabs neither need nor are qualified (because of their lack of need) to exploit.)" and Lord Balfour. You claim these men had no racial ideology underpinning their explicit colonial actions that created the state of Israel. Absurd.

Yes, history is Islamaphobic :mjlol:
Not history, you.

During World War I, the Assyrians of northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, northeastern Syria and northwestern Iran suffered the Assyrian genocide, which accounted for the deaths of up to 65% of the entire Assyrian population. In the year of Iraq's formal independence, 1933, the Iraqi militarycarried out large-scale massacres against the Assyrians (Simele massacre) which had supported the British colonial administration before.[4]

In the early 1930s, the Iraqi Arab ministries disseminated leaflets among the Kurds calling them to join them to massacre Assyrians. This call appealed to Islamic convictions and united Arabs and Kurds against the infidel Christians.[19] Shortly before the August 11 Simele massacre in 1933, Kurds began a campaign of looting against Assyrian settlements. The Assyrians fled to Simele, where they were also persecuted. According to some studies, there were many accounts by witnesses of numerous atrocities perpetrated by Arabs and Kurds on Assyrian women.[19]

In 1987, the last Iraqi census counted 1.4 million Christians.[20] They were tolerated under the secular regime of Saddam Hussein, who even made one of them, Tariq Aziz, his deputy. However, persecution by Saddam Hussein continued against the Eastern Aramaic speaking Christians on an ethnic, cultural and racial level. The Neo-Aramaiclanguage and writing was repressed, the giving of Syriac Christian names or Akkadian/Assyro-Babylonian names forbidden (Tariq Aziz's given name is Mikhail Yuhanna, for example), and Saddam exploited religious differences between Iraqi Christians' denominations such as the Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church of the East and Ancient Church of the East.[citation needed] Over 2,000 Iraqi Christians were ethnically cleansed from their towns and villages during the Anfal campaign of 1988.
What does any of this have to do with Israel brutalizing the Palestinian people.

Yada Yada. You’re like a dime store Chomsky. Israel received the “imprimatur” of the “western colonial powers” because they kept winning wars and went head up against Soviets. As discussed before that they were at first the enemies of the British and lukewarm relations with the USA. Same reason the U.S. is allied with Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan. There’s no grand conspiracy to keep the mussleman down. :mjlol: Otherwise I don’t think you have any well thought out beliefs besides America bad. Hell, I’d rather converse with the Muslim brotherhood guys than you tankies.
Dime store Chomsky is perhaps the greatest compliment I have ever received on the Coli. Thank you.

The idea that the Western colonial powers chose to support the Zionists solely because they kept winning wars is just so idiotic. These wars you reference, remind me of their dates? And remind me of the date of the Balfour declaration? It's almost like the British had thrown their lot in with the Zionists due to religious co-sentimentality and lobbying by Western Jews based on commercial and geopolitical considerations.

Wait what? Migratory patterns? Are you turning Maoist on us? Are you about to start talking about how mistakes are made and we need to kill all the sparrows to make the crops grow? Make sense man. :skip:
Migration means moving from one place to another. Pattern means something that is repeated with consistency. Glad I could help.
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May 20, 2012

We all know this. No one has claimed that Israel invented settler colonialism. That's what you're not getting. That the Arabs colonized the Levant thousands of years ago is not germane to this discussion of the modern nation state of Israel conducting ethnic cleansing and genocidal policies against living, breathing Palestinians right now in this modern era. We're not having a Historical debate over the Assyrian vs the Babylonians, we're talking about a Palestinian baby born in 2023 having their head blown off by a European settler who moved to the land within living memory. Stop trying to drag us into the shallow water where you think you'll have an easier time debating because I guarantee you, your argument will die there too.

And even if your demonstrably incorrect and Orientalist claim that the current conflict is no different than every conflict in the region were true, that would also have absolutely no bearing on the correct response to the conflict. That there have been genocides before doesn't mean it's somehow now permissible.

Israel's actions are obviously unique in many facets, perhaps most relevantly that they're happening right now in our lifetime as opposed to the thousands years old events you keep on referencing to distract from current events. As well as...you know...the scope and scale of modern weaponry creating unprecedented harm. I don't seem to remember the ancient Syrians dropping 2000 pound bunker busters dumb bombs on schools and refugee camps, but maybe I missed that lesson because I wasn't educated at Prager U.

I don't know why you're terrified of acknowledging that colonialism was a real thing and it was deeply infused with du jour racial ideology. For some unknown reason you're going to the mat to defend the enlightened racial understanding of 19th and 20th century white European colonialists like Ze'ev Jabotinsky ("Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being
colonised. That is what the Arabs in Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope that they will be able to prevent the transformation of "Palestine" into the "Land of Israel."
), Theodore Hertzl ("We should there [in Palestine] form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism."), David Ben-Gurion ("Palestine is grossly under populated. It contains vast colonization potential which the Arabs neither need nor are qualified (because of their lack of need) to exploit.)" and Lord Balfour. You claim these men had no racial ideology underpinning their explicit colonial actions that created the state of Israel. Absurd.

Not history, you.

What does any of this have to do with Israel brutalizing the Palestinian people.

Dime store Chomsky is perhaps the greatest compliment I have ever received on the Coli. Thank you.

The idea that the Western colonial powers chose to support the Zionists solely because they kept winning wars is just so idiotic. These wars you reference, remind me of their dates? And remind me of the date of the Balfour declaration? It's almost like the British had thrown their lot in with the Zionists due to religious co-sentimentality and lobbying by Western Jews based on commercial and geopolitical considerations.

Migration means moving from one place to another. Pattern means something that is repeated with consistency. Glad I could help.

He’s basically using the same argument I heard Candace Owens use to minimize transatlantic slavery.

“Everybody has been enslaved. Even white people. So shut up about American slavery. “


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
He’s basically using the same argument

He's pointing out that the arguments some of the guy are making in here are flawed. Stop resorting to Nazis, Trump, whatever titkok punchline

There's no one in here saying that what Israel is doing is super cool and legal.
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