Mister Terrific
It’s in the name
This is why I keep commenting on the low IQ of you Hamas supporters. Nobody is saying Israel is inherently good or Arab inherently bad. Only that the current conflict is no different then every conflict in the region and the Arabs practiced sEtTlEr CoLoNiAliSm just like every major power in the region. Arabs were not native to the Levant nor responsible for the settle societies they moved in and appropriated and ethnically cleansed of its original inhabitants.I actually did you a favor by only referring to that part of your post because the rest was complete non-sequitur nonsense that has nothing to do with the issue at hand but I have time now so ok.
This confirms you were asleep during World History because if you're assessing the past century of the region and come to the conclusion that Israel possesses some type of inherent goodness based on the migratory patterns of Arab Christians
The context of the history lesson is the many posts detailing how unique Israel’s actions are and that this is some grand race war with Israel being used as the arm of the west to impose their dominance on the peaceful Arabs. Trust me you need it.
Yes, history is IslamaphobicIslamaphobic orientalism

explain why there would be a migratory exodus of the Christian population from fukking SYRIA and IRAQ that isn't featured in Israel, the one government in the region that Western powers haven't tried to violently overthrow.
During World War I, the Assyrians of northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, northeastern Syria and northwestern Iran suffered the Assyrian genocide, which accounted for the deaths of up to 65% of the entire Assyrian population. In the year of Iraq's formal independence, 1933, the Iraqi militarycarried out large-scale massacres against the Assyrians (Simele massacre) which had supported the British colonial administration before.[4]
In the early 1930s, the Iraqi Arab ministries disseminated leaflets among the Kurds calling them to join them to massacre Assyrians. This call appealed to Islamic convictions and united Arabs and Kurds against the infidel Christians.[19] Shortly before the August 11 Simele massacre in 1933, Kurds began a campaign of looting against Assyrian settlements. The Assyrians fled to Simele, where they were also persecuted. According to some studies, there were many accounts by witnesses of numerous atrocities perpetrated by Arabs and Kurds on Assyrian women.[19]
In 1987, the last Iraqi census counted 1.4 million Christians.[20] They were tolerated under the secular regime of Saddam Hussein, who even made one of them, Tariq Aziz, his deputy. However, persecution by Saddam Hussein continued against the Eastern Aramaic speaking Christians on an ethnic, cultural and racial level. The Neo-Aramaiclanguage and writing was repressed, the giving of Syriac Christian names or Akkadian/Assyro-Babylonian names forbidden (Tariq Aziz's given name is Mikhail Yuhanna, for example), and Saddam exploited religious differences between Iraqi Christians' denominations such as the Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church of the East and Ancient Church of the East.[citation needed] Over 2,000 Iraqi Christians were ethnically cleansed from their towns and villages during the Anfal campaign of 1988.

Christianity in Iraq - Wikipedia
Yada Yada. You’re like a dime store Chomsky. Israel received the “imprimatur” of the “western colonial powers” because they kept winning wars and went head up against Soviets. As discussed before that they were at first the enemies of the British and lukewarm relations with the USA. Same reason the U.S. is allied with Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan. There’s no grand conspiracy to keep the mussleman down.and has some kind of soft spot for the autocracies of the region, and then throwing these dud smoke bombs into any discussion of Israel's apartheid and ethnic cleansing. You do this because to soberly acknowledge the facts of reality at hand exposes the moral and intellectual rot at the heart of your position. Like, either you genuinely believe we're all secretly card-carrying members of the Muslim Brotherhood, or that like you we should be impressed that Israel has received the imprimatur of Western colonial powers.

Wait what? Migratory patterns? Are you turning Maoist on us? Are you about to start talking about how mistakes are made and we need to kill all the sparrows to make the crops grow? Make sense man.The migratory patterns of Arabs who share the religious sensibilities of the Western colonial powers is not exculpatory to Israel's colonization and violent domination of the Palestinian people.