Because they have a historical claim to it, it was the most valid claim they possibly could have made.
The funny thing is, the fact that the founding fathers of Israel were anti-theist a$$holes and thought religion was primitive and a threat to democracy is not even some kind of strange mystery. Its a known fact.
There are Zionist religious Jews who refuse to celebrate Israeli independence day because of it. They support Israel today because it protects them from harm, but they refuse to celebrate Israeli independence day because the Zionist establishment tried to make them abandon Judaism and overall treated them like crap.
What do you mean 00?
Assets on the ground is to be expected with any intelligence agency.
Friend, this is a legitimate question:
What makes you so sure that the Israelis are going to be defeated as you have alluded to? Your theory is ignoring history and current situation it seems. Can you explain your reasons?
What historical claim? Seeing that the Semetic people settled in that area prior to Judaism. Some went on to become followers of Judaism, others pagan and then eventually Muslim.
So if it's ethnic historical claim, than all Semitic people have a claim to that land. It's only when you introduce religion, and the culture that stems from that religion, that a clear divide is shown.
My point is proven, it is rooted in religion. To argue otherwise would be to argue that Arabs have historical claim to that land as well.
What historical claim? Seeing that the Semetic people settled in that area prior to Judaism. Some went on to become followers of Judaism, others pagan and then eventually Muslim.
So if it's ethnic historical claim, than all Semitic people have a claim to that land. It's only when you introduce religion, and the culture that stems from that religion, that a clear divide is shown.
My point is proven, it is rooted in religion. To argue otherwise would be to argue that Arabs have historical claim to that land as well.
The Palestinians will never bow in fear to there oppressors
Its a historical claim because their ancestors lived there for generations.
Why their ancestors lived there is 100% irrelevant to the fact that they were using history -- not religion -- to make their claim. It doesn't change the fact that they were anti-theists.
newarkhiphop let's be real though if Fatah was in control of Gaza things would be in a different place
the only thing Israel can really want that they don't already have in Gaza is for these guys to "move out" and neither Hamas nor Fatah would accept that just as they haven't for decades. Meanwhile Hamas is antagonizing people (including most Arabs) needlessly
But their ancestors were Semitic people, which Arabs (and by extention of labels, Palestinians and Muslims) are a part of.
Why are you denying scientific and anthropological evidence?
the West Bank is fukked up but at least it's not blockaded, you know? the PA is out there trolling the US at the UN meanwhile Hamas and Israel are just fighting for no reason... Hamas will never be neutralized and Israel won't either, so.. what's the point of the fighting