TLOL is back
What's there to negotiate if Israel, contrary to the UN, doesn't even believe it's occupying the land in question?
Uh... Because Israel is willing to give up land for peace.
"Negotiating" is a ploy by the Israeli's to more easily oppress the Palestinian people without much resistance... if that were to ever happen again, it would be the same as before... Israel offers up some bullshyt "compromise" which is not even remotely fair, the Palestinians rightfully decline, and Israel turns to the world and says "see, we tried to reason with them and offer them a fair deal and they declined; they insist on using violence"
I suppose this is true if you think that Israelis not wanting to die in the hands of Palestinians (something that will surely happen if Palestinians get too close -- even after a peace deal) is "unfair." But for those who believe Israelis are human too, it is pretty reasonable.
and I drew the parallel to the Civil Rights Movement not to say that the situations are identical, but rather that the "if they (the oppressed in any situation) would just chill, everything would work itself out" argument heavily favors the ones doing the oppressing... I'm sure the Pilgrims were saying "why can't these fukkin Indians just calm down, everything will be okay" as they were taking their land and decimating their society as well
So you went from one retarded analogy to another.