
Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
:mindblown: do you think I just made up my solution? This is the 2 state solution that has been in the works for 30 years with commitments from both sides and the international community

but will the Palestinians accept that?


May 6, 2012
You're being naive @zerozero. Have you forgotten what happened during the Clinton Administration? Arafat said if he took such a deal that he would be killed and he backed off. That cowardice is what led to what we have now. Palestinians backing down to the more militant factions (though Israeli settlements should be illegal).

Those same factions have recently been democratically elected. You're operating under and entirely optimistic point of view. There is a faction of the Palestinian and Arab communities that refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist and demand the right to return (and not in the limited way that you say). Basically, Israel has no reason to believe that such a deal would actually be accepted, and at the same time it's violating law by increasing those settlements.

There is no easy solution.

breh you have to negotiate the settlement. why would they say "OK let me give up everything" before they get to the table? Hamas has agreed to the 2 state solution multiple times

You can't just put something in front of Arafat, have him back off and then be like "okay fukk it." That's not how negotiations work. It'll take time. What derailed the peace process 10 years ago was the 2nd intifada but just cause Israelis are like "nevermind" doesn't mean Palestinians are going to wait forever
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May 6, 2012
not to mention, huge segments of Israeli politicians including the currently in power party denies palestinian rights to the west bank. So what? When the time comes they'll agree to what the government finally agrees to.


Apr 30, 2012
breh you have to negotiate the settlement. why would they say "OK let me give up everything" before they get to the table? Hamas has agreed to the 2 state solution multiple times

You can't just put something in front of Arafat, have him back off and then be like "okay fukk it." That's not how negotiations work. It'll take time. What derailed the peace process 10 years ago was the 2nd intifada but just cause Israelis are like "nevermind" doesn't mean Palestinians are going to wait forever

That's not the point. While those negotiations were happening the 2nd Intifada popped off sure, but Ariel Sharon walking around should not have brought about that reaction in them in the first place. Come on. Everything isn't worth rioting over. If that was Sharon's intention, don't give him what he wants.

I'm sorry, but again you're coming off as naive. You can promise whatever you want, but that does not mean that you are sincere in your statements. Hamas says one thing to Israel and other things to its populace. How is Israel to believe that Hamas wants a legitimate two-state solution when it communicates otherwise so often? Has it completely disavowed its charter? In 2009, it communicated that it would go for a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders given the right to return.

So let me get this straight Israel, should allow for a Palestinian State, and allow the unlimited right to return knowing that the Palestinian birth rate is significantly higher than the Israeli birth rate and that eventually they could just become a majority and takeover the Knesset? Stop it. Much of what Hamas says comes across as lip service to the international community. Your blind belief in an organization whose very charter says that Israel should not exist as being willing to uphold a long-term agreement is astounding.

The audacity of telling me that I don't know how negotiations work, when you don't go into negotiations without certain baselines. Borders can be argued later.


May 6, 2012
That's not the point. While those negotiations were happening the 2nd Intifada popped off sure, but Ariel Sharon walking around should not have brought about that reaction in them in the first place. Come on. Everything isn't worth rioting over. If that was Sharon's intention, don't give him what he wants.

I'm sorry, but again you're coming off as naive. You can promise whatever you want, but that does not mean that you are sincere in your statements. Hamas says one thing to Israel and other things to its populace. How is Israel to believe that Hamas wants a legitimate two-state solution when it communicates otherwise so often? Has it completely disavowed its charter? In 2009, it communicated that it would go for a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders given the right to return.

So let me get this straight Israel, should allow for a Palestinian State, and allow the unlimited right to return knowing that the Palestinian birth rate is significantly higher than the Israeli birth rate and that eventually they could just become a majority and takeover the Knesset? Stop it. Much of what Hamas says comes across as lip service to the international community.

My point is that this sort of reading the tea leaves about what's in Hamas' mind is pointless. The Likud charter doesn't ask for a 2 state solution either. That doesnt' mean Israel won't accept one

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Can I get the Zionist perspective of what's wrong with the Palestinian people using legal means rather than violent ones to oppose the occupation?
@BarNone why should Israel decide anything about Palestine or the Palestinian state? Do they own the Palestinian state? Can you explain to me why Israel should have any say on Palestinian statehood?
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May 5, 2012
He doesnt have a choice he just follows orders

As a Palestinian, deep down this dont mean shyt cuz its not gonna make Israel suddenly peaceful or us suddenly militarily able, but its a start:manny:

real talk breh... wtf is wrong with palestinians?


Apr 30, 2012
My point is that this sort of reading the tea leaves about what's in Hamas' mind is pointless. The Likud charter doesn't ask for a 2 state solution either. That doesnt' mean Israel won't accept one

That's a horrible argument. Basically you just reached a point where you said, "But Likud's charter doesn't ask for a 2-state solution either." Likud's charter does not explicitly state that it's plan is to establish a Palestinian State exactly where Israel is right now, it does not EXPLICITLY call for the dissolution of the Israeli state. Stop trying compare apples and oranges. You know and I know that you're smarter than this. You're trying to conflate the two because you're sympathetic to the Palestinian people. One is a semi-reformed terrorist organization that is looking for legitimacy, the other is a right-wing government that probably doesn't give a fukk about the Palestinian people at all, but can be pressured to back down because it has not staked out such obstinate positions. Better yet, they have a government that has shown that it will negotiate peace in the past. Hamas is not Fatah.

You're really trying very hard to disavow logic to support your sympathy for Palestinian plight. So you're telling Israel to call Hamas' bluff and meet them at the table (mind you I'm completely against them settlements), and have what to show to their people? "Yeah, they haven't acknowledged our right to exist, but we're hoping that they'll be on their best behavior." :mitt: Did you forget that Israelis were for negotiations last time and when shyt popped off is when the right wingers won? No Israeli government is going to go into those type of negotiations without being able to promise its people at least that. And that much, is justified.

Can I get the Zionist perspective of what's wrong with the Palestinian people using legal means rather than violent ones to oppose the occupation?
@BarNone why should Israel decide anything about Palestine or the Palestinian state? Do they own the Palestinian state? Can you explain to me why Israel should have any say on Palestinian statehood?

I don't understand your question at all, it doesn't really make sense to me. That's not even throwing shade, I just literally don't understand your question. Any Palestinian state would be directly bordering and within Israel, why wouldn't they have a say it what those borders would be? Are those not its people that would be giving up homes and potentially in the line of fire? Imagine this was Canada or the US and you can answer that for yourself.
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Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
I don't understand your question at all, it doesn't really make sense to me. That's not even throwing shade, I just literally don't understand your question. Any Palestinian state would be directly bordering and within Israel, why wouldn't they have a say it what those borders would be? Are those not its people that would be giving up homes and potentially in the line of fire? Imagine this was Canada or the US and you can answer that for yourself.

Because these borders were already defined by the U.N., they already exist. This issue was already resolved apparently in 1947. In 1967 there was an occupation by Israel on the Palestinian Territories. Making the comparison between the United States and Canada is something I don't understand, if we're talking about conclusion. Why are we talking about a line of fire or giving up homes if there is a legally accepted map? Why wouldn't the Palestinian people be able to oppose the Israeli government in a neutral COURT of LAW? Why should the Palestinian people be beholden to the whim of a foreign occupier?