Broke Wave
No one said any of that. I typed up a bigger response, but then I realized that you might be referring to the initial premise of Palestine looking to be recognized by the UN. You should have made that clear because it looked like you were chiming in on zerozero and I's conversation. I literally had no idea what you were talking about.
We were not arguing about any of the stuff you just asked questions about. But I will respond to your point about the 1940s borders. Remember it was the Palestinians and Arabs who launched that war because they disagreed with those borders and then lost. It's not often that the loser gets to come back and make demands. They are asking for those borders solely because of that loss. They didn't care much about international law when they thought they could win so let's not use that argument.
We're here because many feel that borders along those lines are the only rational solution we can come to, that's fine. I agree, but let's not act like the Palestinians have some sort of legitimacy in that regard historically. As far as pursuing their own statehood? By all means, go ahead. But Israel has every right to be against the ascension of a state whose leadership's stated charter says that Israel should not exist and whose declarations of peace are suspect. If this were different leadership, there would be less push back.
The Canada-US argument is simple, replace Israel with the US and Palestine with Mexico, and then tell me the reaction would be any different.
Oh is that why the Arab nations decided to launch a war against Israel, when they were outnumbered 2 to 1, or was it the Zionist terrorist groups doing this
So international law doesn't apply to you after you lose a war

As far as your US/Canada Comparison, all I can literally say is

Why not replace Israel with Zimbabwe and Palestine with South Africa?
How about Russia and Mongolia?
How about any 2 adjacent countries

its not about race its about a religion that breeds hate if you're taught from birth to hate something no matter what you do to make peace it will never be enough to subside that hate its just the truth that's why it will never end
This is ignorance, no disrespect to you, but I feel like you have been brainwashed or confused greatly about Islam. I am a Muslim, and not only do I not hate you, or anybody else, I do not hate Jews or Israel. I was taught from birth to be loving and compassionate and I feel my faith reflects this and If you want to know more about Islam I can help you along that path friend, no need for hatred

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