Certainly there are degrees, but the Mahmudiyah rapes were given the same theatre. And that’s okay because it should be expressed.its a claim, and that's all its getting treated as
i don't think people trying to add gravity to israel's claims even understand the scale of which large scale sexual violence is characterized by. they're speaking in the same courts where there are hearings of entire villages of women were left beaten and impregnated - only to have the same soldiers come back and stomp the babies into the mud ie central africa and myanmar.
they don't even have a concept of the space they're trying to argue in. and that's the issue. they wonder why they're not being taken seriously and that's because they can't even register what that court is for.
It’s not justification for the bullshyt Israel is doing, but I don’t have a problem with them being lumped. I think we can all recognize the obvious differences as well as say it is unacceptable at any scale.
But I understand your position. It’s reasonable.