In 1948 Palestinians welcomed jew refugees into their country and allowed them to build up infrastructure to self sustain.( this is not excluding u.k colonial occupation of Palestine). Some how this has turned into Palestinians need to get out of Gaza and the west bank whether that be Jordan, Egypt or Yemen. This is genocide and ethnic cleansing by cac white supremacist who practice judaism
In this current situation, the game plan for Israel is the following.
1. Expel the Palestinians into the Sinai. Remember, as part of the Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt, Sinai is divided into zones that mention what the security buildup should be.
MFO - Sinai Map
Zone C is probably where they want to put them. The Zones are as follows:
- Zone A: Between the Suez Canal and Line A. Egypt is permitted a mechanized infantry division with a total of 22,000 troops in Zone A.
- Zone B: Between Line A and Line B. Egypt is permitted four border security battalions to support the civilian police in Zone B.
- Zone C: Between Line B and the Egypt–Israel border. Only the MFO Peacekeepers and the Egyptian civilian police are permitted within Zone C.
- Zone D: Between the Egypt–Israel border and Line D. Israel is permitted four infantry battalions in Zone D.
2. Once the Palestinians are in Sinai, what's going to happen? They'll probably be able to get arms and they'll become a nuisance to Israel in the years to come to try to get back to their homes.
Then the Israelis will accuse Egypt of harboring terrorists. And the 1979 Peace Treaty goes to hell with the Israelis saying they'll need a buffer and will probably re-occupy parts of Sinai. This would be to push the Gazans further into Egypt closer to the Suez.
Israel doesn't have a Constitution and doesn't define its borders. So, don't be surprised.