Fast Money & Foreign Objects
over half the people in gaza are under 18 breh. they've never been to africa or outside their little refugee area. your statement is indefensible
Maybe it's time for them to relocate to Egypt then.
over half the people in gaza are under 18 breh. they've never been to africa or outside their little refugee area. your statement is indefensible
These Hamas guys are cowards, they surround themselves with kids when Israel is after them....
It's only a matter of time before bus bombings and market place bombings take place
When was the last time that happened?
You don't know what you're talking about it so stop.
neutral? You literally said you don't care for them because they're Muslim and some other Muslims did something in Africa. It doesn't work like that. Should someone who got mugged by a black dude not care about civil rights? That's a moronic reasoning process
Four years ago the dimona bombings.
And um yes I do know what I'm talking about herb.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk breh!
don't try and downplay Muslim historical atrocities.
I said Muslims have a history of being imperialistic towards others and the way Israel is suppossedly treating them is a bit of their own medicine.
again, I'm telling you that this sort of thinking is exactly like saying "kill kids for their religion". A billion people on the planet are muslim. You can't just shrug off everything that happens to them cause something some other guys did.
If I shoot a bunch of Hutu people and say "well, in 1994 the hutus..." that'd be stupid. It's not valid.