Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Okay show me a Hamas headquarters or military building. So you want Israel to prioritize Palestinian lives over there own military lives when they risk going door to door. That’s crazy.

If Hamas was hiding in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, would Israelis be so flippant with those civilian lives?

Zionists have been justifying the mass killing of Palestinian civilians (at least so long as they're Muslim/Christian) for nearly a century now, since back before Israel was even a state. Is this latest bout of killings somehow going to achieve something all the others didn't? You can't be that naive.

You know what I meant.

You claimed America would be overran if we weren't extremely violent in war, which is the exact bullshyt the right promotes to justify our insane military spending. Now you let out that you're a part of that military complex yourself, which means that you were subject to even more intense propaganda of that sort than the rest of us. I'm not going to pretend I can convince you, but at least I'll let people see how far your narratives are fro reality.

After WW1 people had war fatigue and let Germany build back up, Germany was breaking all type of rules implemented on them during that time but lost countries sat back and played dumb because they didn’t want another war.

Nine million people died in World War 1 and tens of millions more were injured, but you claim that's not enough. Not only did the Allies need to totally defeat Germany, you're saying they needed to keep their foot on their necks a good 20 years after the war ended. How...invade again? If you have to keep doing the same thing, it sounds like your "solution" doesn't work.

Of COURSE there was war fatigue after a terror like that. Trying to say, "Man up soldiers, no war fatigue, we have to keep this war going indefinitely!" doesn't sound like a workable strategy.

After WW2 they made sure Germany wasn’t going to rise up on the BS again.

Not by "total war" though. They kept Germany and Japan from rising up again largely by the strength of their rebuilding program, that made it far more advantageous for those nations to support America due to their American support, not because of the number of people they killed. If Germany or Japan had wanted to start another war after WW2, they could have kicked US forces out of their country, began a buildup again, and eventually went to work. They didn't do it because they were better off developing with US help, not because they couldn't build the capacity.

The two nations that took by far the most casualties in WW2 weren't Germany and Japan, they were USSR and China. Both nations lost around 20 million people, triple the German losses and nearly 10x the Japanese losses. Did that stop anything? Nah, they were both back at it almost immediately. There is no amount of civilian death that can stop a nation's ability to wage war unless you're talking actual genocide. The only things that work are total, permanent control, or giving them a carrot instead of the stick.

The other countries you talking about small skirmishes and not a massive displacement of people and refugees, you just being obtuse.

LOL at this bullshyt, the Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese wars had ~5 million casualties each with MASSIVE displacement of people and refugees, and you want to call them "small skirmishes"? WTF are you talking about?

I meant more recently, The Iran/Iraq war was a success in the sense that it actually made Iran and Iraq think twice about going against each other.

LOL at this weak ass criteria. Iraq was back at war invading Kuwait just TWO YEARS after the Iran-Iraq War ended and then got caught in an existential war with the USA a decade after that, while Iran has been fighting proxy wars with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the USA as well as being heavily involved in the Syrian Civil War and Yemen War.

Like I said before, y'all use the most ridiculous criteria to support the "success" of violence, so that literally anything fits.

In my eyes what’s the point of war if u not going to completely decimate the enemy.

I'm interested to know what your moral framework is where "completely decimate your enemy" is the only possible goal of war. If you even have a moral framework.

I fought in both them war multiple times, it was bullshyt to me the goals but real American died for that bullshyt.

Yeah, one would think maybe that would lead you to not supporting that bullshyt, but propaganda is a hell of drug.

I’m all for completely annihilating your enemy so they won’t rise up, give them a whopping so bad that their grandchild will think twice.
Ain’t no such thing as genocide in war in my opinion, the point of war is to defeat the enemy until they submit.

This is sociopath-level shyt. I guess the Rwandan genocide was okay then, since the Hutus and Tutsis were already at war and anything goes in war. Hell, that's another strike against you, Hutus committed genocide against the Tutsis and STILL lost the war. I guess total war isn't all its cracked up to be?

What about the Muslims in China, Azerbaijan just kicked out 100000 Armenians and starved them out before they did. Where was u with your holier than thou thoughts. Y’all only speak up when it’s cool to do.

I've talked about oppression in China a ton including Muslims specifically, dumbass. If you have to lie to support your viewpoint, it's probably a bad point.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I split this one off because it was so poignant.

What settled the wars after WW2, sympathy didn’t settle it , either a major string military power brokered or the little skirmishes was won. Tell me why them countries have “peace” to this day then. They didn’t gain it by going on social media and crying for sympathy.

No, Germany and Japan chose peace because they got their national sovereignty back, were given clearly kept promises of alliance and defense, and benefitted from a massive rebuilding campaign. The benefits of peace became far more appealing than the benefits of war.

Palestinians have never been given any of those things.

If the Japanese had been treated like the Palestinians were, they would still be violently rebelling to this day.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I'm not an expert in the region at all, but I don't see how a one-state solution is possible with all the mistrust that's been built. It reminds me of the India-Pakistan errors, where perhaps the ground for a positive one-state solution could have been built in the 1910s-20s when things were just getting started, but the British fukked shyt up, used division to their own advantage, and the biggest haters on both sides were allowed to take over the narrative and capitalize on distrust of the British to inflame long-standing animosities and poison the well. By the time "independence" happened in 1948, it would have been difficult to get either side to accept leadership from the other side. And for good reason - neither side has proven it can rule the other side in good faith. So a two-state solution is the only choice I see.

I’ve thought about this quietly frfr.

If it were to happen at all the whole land would have to be UN controlled for a bit. Neutralize both nationalisms and have a new nation created under a new name and flag and constitution which allows both sides to live there. That’s some pie in the sky ass shyt tho :russ:


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
I'm glad that my brief two-sentence post about NYT disproving widely circulated piece of evidence served as a template for you to invent an entirely fictional poster with fabricated wants and viewpoints.

So with years of experience from reading @the cac mamba 's bath faith posts, I'll just move on rather than attempting a discussion with you that you can further misconstrue in order to win an argument against an imaginary person.

Good luck in the future with your creative writing.
Their the same person


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I split this one off because it was so poignant.

No, Germany and Japan chose peace because they got their national sovereignty back, were given clearly kept promises of alliance and defense, and benefitted from a massive rebuilding campaign. The benefits of peace became far more appealing than the benefits of war.

Palestinians have never been given any of those things.

If the Japanese had been treated like the Palestinians were, they would still be violently rebelling to this day.
The Kurds dont have a country either. And theres 35 million of them. So there are alternatives.

The Circassians aren’t out here just crashing out over this shyt either…but bring in the “holy lands” and now people think they’re entitled to it.