It seems most of the core writing focus has shifted to the Ivy/Harley relationship and that focus is already providing diminishing returns as the season goes on. They are trying to make the relationship as "drama free" and non-toxic as possible and it's just........not good. Also having Bruce be a simp full time isn't the way to go. Him being pathetic was
part of his character, not his total character. When it was revealed he was the one who took Frank I was like "
an interesting turn of character," then it's not even followed up on; next time we see him he's pathetic and sad again. Harley Quinn knocking out Bruce and kidnapping him without a fight?
Come on.
The Joker episode was alright but would have been better if they gave more focus to these characters beforehand. They're all so one dimensional now. All at the expense of making sure Harley/Ivy have the
perfect queer relationship. It's Alphabet Soup fanservice at this point. But I'm invested so I'll see if it turns around. This last episode was the worst of the series IMO.