The Official "Hannibal" Season 3 Thread


May 10, 2012
are they really married? & I thought he was about to team up with that dude and then he offed him

and is it just me or did it used to be TV-MA and is now TV-14? maybe i'm trippin

and i guess will and morpheus still around (re: the preview).. im just all sorts of confused

I believe they were just posing as a married couple in Paris. Dude that Hannibal killed at the end plays Michael on Dominion. I figured he would be a goner once he recognized that Hannibal took the identity of the dude he hated. Him asking "Is it that kind of party?" :shaq:at the dinner table, not knowing that Hannibal could kill and eat him at a moments notice :skip:.

Hannibal definitely has some type of hold over her, she had the :mjcry:expression a lot of this episode. When she looked like she was about to leave, only for him to come back with his latest victim.

Are you participating or observing :leostare:?

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
So is Hannibal essentially "bored" of his lifestyle having not found a true predecessor?
Does he feel like Will is the only person who is the best?
He set up du Maurier the same way he did Will too. Making them into murderers by sending someone to them who he knows would try to kill them.
What is the allure that kept her from leaving earlier? Even after he left his house after stabbing up Will and Jack she had the gun pointed right at him. And said she was "optimistic" he wouldn't kill her. I was convinced him and the dude he met in Paris were going to team up and kill her..but then :merchant:
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May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
OK.....that episode was typical dope Hannibal.....but I'm not gonna lie I'm lost as fukk after my first viewing :dwillhuh:

So much jumping around in time, so much fast paced and complex dialogue....Hannibal speaking in foreign languages when its already hard enough to understand him in English due to his accent.....sometimes I didn't know which he was speaking :pachaha:

Definitely have to watch this again with subtitles. Or I need someone to break it all down

Side note: Its a bit distracting to hear Hannibal openly discussing cannibalism and murder....threw me off at first. But I understand, he has shown himself now. Just need to get past the initial shock.


May 7, 2012
TV-14, with an impaled skinless human torso display at the end. I don't know how they got away with that.

:mjlol:at Bedelia not wanting to eat the food after the other guy mentioned it was what the Romans fed their meat to make it taste better. And how long did Hannibal keep Gideon alive? Long enough for snails to get fat off of eating his hands.
From the preview it looks like Hannibal's goal is to lure Will to Europe, so he can eat him.
Hannibal is ultimate troll and dirt bag . :heh: at bedelia talking about her taste , home boy was like :takedat::shaq:that kind of party?


Apr 30, 2012

Did anyone notice Hannibal's face fade into the picture of Lucifer when he was doing his lecture on Dante :wow:


May 1, 2012

Did anyone notice Hannibal's face fade into the picture of Lucifer when he was doing his lecture on Dante :wow:

thats the only scene I saw ... Finals kept me away .. but yeah that shyt is dope, as was that entire scene. you knew the Hannibal ether was coming

fukk man, I hope this show gets at least 4 seasons @hexagram23 reassure me breh


All Star
May 1, 2012
Before I dive into last night's episode, I gotta give out some "Thank Yous". First, thank you to The Golden State Warriors and The Cleveland Cavaliers for a rousing game one. It was very exciting. Thank you to NBC for renewing Hannibal. Thank you to Time Warner Cable for implementing the "Star Over" feature and once more to NBC for enabling it yesterday. It came through in the clutch and allowed me to view both programs without waiting for "On Demand" or missing the 4th Quarter and Over Time of Game 1.

Now onto the first feast.

It was daring to say the least to have the premiere episode focus on one main character and one "B" character for it's entirety. I fully expected it to come out guns blazing, ovens cooking and stove tops all the way to "6". Nope. It was a steady simmer throughout the episode. I want to say that I was let down but I cannot fault story tellers for my own expectations and never will. On purpose that is.

Mother f u c k i n g Bonsoir! That's all that I could muster after Hannibal showed up to the party like a character from Road Rash and then again at his front gate. Ol' H pan fries some liver while his PYT walks in on him mid bite. I'm glad to see that Curry wasn't the only chef cooking last night.

That flashback was executed excellently. I didn't know that he made at least 4 (most likely) 5 full courses out of Abel. He was filleting, roasting, marinating and eating the hell out of him. With him while showing him the techniques and sharing stories of times passed. Then all those conversation during were even more examples of the great dialogue on this show. Able out here sending shots. "I can't wait for this to all happen to you." S h i t is going to be live when the boys catch up with Hannibal.

What's really good with Bedelia? I thought she was down but she was all kinds of shook at the dinner table. Dimmond remarked that her meal was used to fatten up animals and I swear "Troll Bron"'s face appeared on Hannibal's during that entire dinner scene. Who knew Dimmond was a freak?

Dimmong: "It is that type of party?"
Hannibal: "Hell naw it ain't 'That type of party'. We just invited your ass for dinner!"

Why didn't she just grab her cash and bounce? Why go home and pack up some of the finest garments instead of making a B line to the airport?

I loved how the episode ended with Hannibal on the train folding the paper of the Vitruvian Man into a heart. Such a dope reference to the earlier conversation between Hannibal and Dimmond about "twisting into uncomfortable positions". It is mother f u c k i n g time to cook. The oven has definitely been pre heated.

Sogliato just added himself to the shortlist.
The scene where the blood fell from the rabbits nose in the shop was simply beautiful.
Those cases in Hannibal's office resembled the cages/ cells in the Psych Ward.
The shot of the floor when Hannibal stepped over Dimmond's blood reminded me of his panty with Jack's blood falling through its crack over Beverly. Poor Beverly.
I love how difficult it is to tell if Hannibal is simply annoyed, nonplussed or ready to kill someone for being rude.
Did Bedelia pay for those goods? I didn't see her swipe a card, unfurl some bills or use the Apple watch. Maybe she has a tab.
I'm definitely down to watch "Blindspot". Looks like a cheap procedural knock off of "Memento".
Is that ol boy from 300 Part 2 as well?
I love the dialogue on this show in addition to the facial accompaniments. Talk that s h i t!


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
Before I dive into last night's episode, I gotta give out some "Thank Yous". First, thank you to The Golden State Warriors and The Cleveland Cavaliers for a rousing game one. It was very exciting. Thank you to NBC for renewing Hannibal. Thank you to Time Warner Cable for implementing the "Star Over" feature and once more to NBC for enabling it yesterday. It came through in the clutch and allowed me to view both programs without waiting for "On Demand" or missing the 4th Quarter and Over Time of Game 1.

Now onto the first feast.

It was daring to say the least to have the premiere episode focus on one main character and one "B" character for it's entirety. I fully expected it to come out guns blazing, ovens cooking and stove tops all the way to "6". Nope. It was a steady simmer throughout the episode. I want to say that I was let down but I cannot fault story tellers for my own expectations and never will. On purpose that is.

Mother f u c k i n g Bonsoir! That's all that I could muster after Hannibal showed up to the party like a character from Road Rash and then again at his front gate. Ol' H pan fries some liver while his PYT walks in on him mid bite. I'm glad to see that Curry wasn't the only chef cooking last night.

That flashback was executed excellently. I didn't know that he made at least 4 (most likely) 5 full courses out of Abel. He was filleting, roasting, marinating and eating the hell out of him. With him while showing him the techniques and sharing stories of times passed. Then all those conversation during were even more examples of the great dialogue on this show. Able out here sending shots. "I can't wait for this to all happen to you." S h i t is going to be live when the boys catch up with Hannibal.

What's really good with Bedelia? I thought she was down but she was all kinds of shook at the dinner table. Dimmond remarked that her meal was used to fatten up animals and I swear "Troll Bron"'s face appeared on Hannibal's during that entire dinner scene. Who knew Dimmond was a freak?

Dimmong: "It is that type of party?"
Hannibal: "Hell naw it ain't 'That type of party'. We just invited your ass for dinner!"

Why didn't she just grab her cash and bounce? Why go home and pack up some of the finest garments instead of making a B line to the airport?

I loved how the episode ended with Hannibal on the train folding the paper of the Vitruvian Man into a heart. Such a dope reference to the earlier conversation between Hannibal and Dimmond about "twisting into uncomfortable positions". It is mother f u c k i n g time to cook. The oven has definitely been pre heated.

Sogliato just added himself to the shortlist.
The scene where the blood fell from the rabbits nose in the shop was simply beautiful.
Those cases in Hannibal's office resembled the cages/ cells in the Psych Ward.
The shot of the floor when Hannibal stepped over Dimmond's blood reminded me of his panty with Jack's blood falling through its crack over Beverly. Poor Beverly.
I love how difficult it is to tell if Hannibal is simply annoyed, nonplussed or ready to kill someone for being rude.
Did Bedelia pay for those goods? I didn't see her swipe a card, unfurl some bills or use the Apple watch. Maybe she has a tab.
I'm definitely down to watch "Blindspot". Looks like a cheap procedural knock off of "Memento".
Is that ol boy from 300 Part 2 as well?
I love the dialogue on this show in addition to the facial accompaniments. Talk that s h i t!
Road Rash, pos rep

They need to go ahead and move this show over to showtime, or at least FX/AMC


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
I'm off today, so I just started rewatching this. Noticing a lot of puns that I missed the first time, e.g. "I'm happy to sing for my supper". :pachaha: