I disagree (and it seems like thats general consensus), but to each their ownLol Dr Strange 2, Wakanda forever >>>this movie.

I disagree (and it seems like thats general consensus), but to each their ownLol Dr Strange 2, Wakanda forever >>>this movie.
villains get jobbed out in comics all the time. Kang been a jobber more times than not.Kang and THE are definitely night and day with their portrayals
But think both actors did a great job with what they were given and I think both characters had unique motivations that fit their journeys.
I know some people are more mad they didn’t get a unique customization of what THEY specifically wanted from Kang. But I don’t thing that should tarnish the character and everyone gotta remember… this isn’t the end of him
What shows did you have to watch to follow this? Gamorra died in IW and returned in End Game.Eh. The rocket backstory was touching but I really hate how you have to watch the Disney plus shows to know what’s going on. For people who saw Gamorra die in the movies and don’t keep up with the shows this was just weird. It also undercuts her death in the previous movie. Nothing means anything. And this movie dragged on too long. It’s also annoying that all of villains in the mcu are black now. We go from being sidekicks to villains. Maybe I’m just burnt out on the flicks. I didn’t even stay for the post credits cause I didn’t care. 4/10
And let me add on that it was addressed in this movie... multiple times.What shows did you have to watch to follow this? Gamorra died in IW and returned in End Game.
Somebody find me a copy. The copy that I found has a really bad echo, you can barely hear it. I turned it off 2 minutes in.
Aside from Kang, what are you talking about? Killmonger was 5 years ago, and of the last 8 MCU movies, (Ant-Man 3, BP2, M.O.M., Thor L&T, No Way Home, Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Eternals), they've had 1 black villain. And none of the villains in any of the Disney+ shows are black.
You also have black heroes as the lead character in at least 3 upcoming films (Iron Wars, Blade, Captain America). That's not a fair criticism on black casting.
Ah, I totally forgot about that. When did that movie come out? Like 5 years ago? I think I'm just burnt out of these movies. I can't remember stuff now. I think part of it too is that her revival in EndGame still felt wrong, so I mentally rejected it. lolWhat shows did you have to watch to follow this? Gamorra died in IW and returned in End Game.
There were small things from the Holiday special, like Mantis being Peter's sisterWhat shows did you have to watch to follow this? Gamorra died in IW and returned in End Game.