watching the bulls now, but I'll be on after the game.
Aight just hit me up
watching the bulls now, but I'll be on after the game.
I pinned it when it first dropped and somebody else took it down.this thread should probably be stickied cuz GTA online has really been jukin' lately.
@MightyHealthy @GoldenGlove
What's your gamertagYessir, imma prolly get on tonight around 11:30 when I get off work
My name was D_I_C_K__S_L_A_P they said it was inappropriate, after 4 years.What'd u do exactly?
been playing it...too busy to hate
hit me up for jobs on the one - g/t - mightyhealthy
You could do two missions for 15 minutes and get more money and RP than what that survival gives you.