I really wanted to wait to watch this but my mom spoiled an actor appearance for me and I fired up one of my sites and watched it.
I liked it when it actually looked like Raimi as directing it. Besides that I thought was cool.
Some of the movie just didn't work for me. Christine and Strange isn't believable, she was barely in the first one and I have no recollection of her. I still don't understand America Chavez and her powers. I hated every bit of the Illuminati scene. I hate that they went with Tumblr fan casting. Don't even get me started with that popular cartoon theme dropping.
Besides that, Wanda is the best villain they've had and was easily the best part of this whole movie.
pretty much feel the same way but got over it. I just hope they don't take the other aspects of the fans dream fantastic four movie that people were pitching with this casting