The Official "Dr. Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness" Thread

Doctor Doom

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama
Sep 30, 2013
I'm surprised it flopped and I'm surprised how negative some have been about the film. I really liked it.

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People were expecting Last Kingdom/Vikings savagery and got something very light in action with more focuses on cinematography and a message.

Concerned Citizen

Stevie Wonder 2099
May 27, 2012
To me that sounds like conflating Jean with Phoenix as if they're the same person. Which alot of people tend to do.

That's like me saying Wanda is Chthon. Wanda is just channeling the magic the same way Jean is.

And yea....Wanda's Chaos Wave reshaped reality on a multiversal scale breh. She literally almost broke all of creation.

The Chaos Wave (Concept) - Comic Vine

I don't see how an unbiased writer can say she nearly broke creation itself but, then say she couldn't alter reality to find a way to deal with Jean.
Appreciate the knowledge on the Chaos Wave. Didn’t know about it. It also made me think about how Wanda’s no more mutants decree affected the multiverse so I was wrong on that point.

Re: Jean/Phoenix they’re joined at the hip and if you’re gonna compare Wanda and Jean at the most powerful you gotta include Jean in it. Now if we’re talking base level power, then I’m not sure who is winning. I don’t know how powerful Wanda is at base level but Jean is still an Omega level telepath and Wanda has mental issues so I’ve gotta give her the edge. Still don’t see a universe where Wanda comes out on top.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
problem with this movie is that it's collapsing under the weight of the MCU
1. Vision still alive but nobody seems to care about him
2. Strange can already travel through universes--what's the point of America's existence
3. If wanda can manipulate minds--she could've gained control of her america's mind and then taught her how to use her powers to send her to a universe where another version of wanda is sick and dying of a disease, then taking over and disposing of the body so it looks like she miraculously recovered. Then sending America to a universe where her parents still live
4. Strange could've convinced Wanda to let him train America so she can learn to control her power
5.The illuminati supposed to be extremely powerful and they all got murked relatively easily.
6. Everyone pretending that the events in Loki never happened? If they're fukking with different dimensions that TVA should show up since that means they could also be crossing over into alternate dimensions that exist as a result of time fukkery.
7.Same thing about vision but with quicksilver. She's obsessed with kids that she made up and could've easily just made up again this time with her more powerful magic vs real people that actually lived.

Just a lot of stuff that already exists in the MCU from the shows and movies that end up having to be ignored or swept under the rug
May 7, 2012
I'm surprised it flopped and I'm surprised how negative some have been about the film. I really liked it.

There is NOTHING special about this film. I’m actually surprised at how much praise it’s getting in this thread.

The storyline is a variation of the same fairytale we’ve seen told a million times already. Kid gets his perfect life uprooted by a traitor who kills his father so the kid goes into banishment to spend his life working towards getting his vengeance. At this point, this revenge fairytale has been told more than the save the captured beauty fairytale. This mid storyline (and yes, the “twist” didn’t make it rise above mid levels) is backed by weak writing. Which I’m ok with when it comes to fairytales/folklore/action flicks just pointing out that the writing doesn’t elevate the movie either. Everything just…happens…cuz it needed to happen to fulfill the folklore. Lamed out by not using subtitles; everyone just knows how to speak English, even the low born slaves from far away lands. Kinda glad they did, cuz this movie ain’t worth reading subtitles throughout, but this is the kind of movie that if they did use subtitles and someone came in here complaining, everyone would be lambasting that person talking about how the subtitles were necessary to keep the movie’s authentic feel. Instead they reserved the non-English speaking to chants, songs, and random unimportant conversations.

The movie does have good aesthetics, but it’s really on par for what you’d expect out of Hollywood budget movie in 2022. There was nothing they did that could be considered a leap in terms of advancement in cinematography. No special shot, no special angle, no special lighting, or some other technique.

The only reason I could think that someone would be really wowed by this movie is if they’re obsessed/intrigued by CaC barbarism. It gave some glimpses into their barbaric lifestyles that I could see some people enjoying since you don’t often see those presented on screen that much with such a big budget behind it. I wouldn’t even feel comfortable recommending this movie unless it was to someone I knew really liked seeing stories from that time period.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
problem with this movie is that it's collapsing under the weight of the MCU
1. Vision still alive but nobody seems to care about him
2. Strange can already travel through universes--what's the point of America's existence
3. If wanda can manipulate minds--she could've gained control of her america's mind and then taught her how to use her powers to send her to a universe where another version of wanda is sick and dying of a disease, then taking over and disposing of the body so it looks like she miraculously recovered. Then sending America to a universe where her parents still live
4. Strange could've convinced Wanda to let him train America so she can learn to control her power
5.The illuminati supposed to be extremely powerful and they all got murked relatively easily.
6. Everyone pretending that the events in Loki never happened? If they're fukking with different dimensions that TVA should show up since that means they could also be crossing over into alternate dimensions that exist as a result of time fukkery.
7.Same thing about vision but with quicksilver. She's obsessed with kids that she made up and could've easily just made up again this time with her more powerful magic vs real people that actually lived.

Just a lot of stuff that already exists in the MCU from the shows and movies that end up having to be ignored or swept under the rug

At the end of the day there are two facts

1. People need to get over the Infinity Saga. It won’t be and can’t be duplicated.

2. People need to but won’t chill with the theories, spoilers and constant leaks. Expectations become unrealistic and all over the place.

As an added bonus

3. COVID really threw off the timeline, momentum and equilibrium of the MCU. And the effects won’t be fully realized for several years.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
problem with this movie is that it's collapsing under the weight of the MCU
1. Vision still alive but nobody seems to care about him
2. Strange can already travel through universes--what's the point of America's existence
3. If wanda can manipulate minds--she could've gained control of her america's mind and then taught her how to use her powers to send her to a universe where another version of wanda is sick and dying of a disease, then taking over and disposing of the body so it looks like she miraculously recovered. Then sending America to a universe where her parents still live
4. Strange could've convinced Wanda to let him train America so she can learn to control her power
5.The illuminati supposed to be extremely powerful and they all got murked relatively easily.
6. Everyone pretending that the events in Loki never happened? If they're fukking with different dimensions that TVA should show up since that means they could also be crossing over into alternate dimensions that exist as a result of time fukkery.
7.Same thing about vision but with quicksilver. She's obsessed with kids that she made up and could've easily just made up again this time with her more powerful magic vs real people that actually lived.

Just a lot of stuff that already exists in the MCU from the shows and movies that end up having to be ignored or swept under the rug

1. True but he basically told Wanda they are no long together. It is a plot hole he wasn’t mentioned at all.
2. He really can’t, he can mess with stuff but it’s dangerous, look at NWH, or even MoM where he had to use the darkhold just like Wanda. Only America can travel freely
3. True, they addressed that and Wanda was bat shyt crazy and wanted to have access to the powers at all times. I will admit it was a legit story loop hole they tried to waive away
4. She wanted to travel immediately because she wanted her kids NOW. They imply the darkhold is also pushing her to go now.
5. True but they were all arrogant, and on the low their universe seems soft. They could have been the equivalent of a dumb MCU universe or a more truthful one.
6. We got to see what happens long term, my theory is the new TVA under Kang doesn’t operate like the TVA under Immortus and is a tool for him conquering
7. I agree definitely a plot hole


Nov 12, 2014
Cool movie. At least now we don’t have to deal with marvel set bozos missing that Wanda been a villain from the first scene of WandaVision.

"first scene"?

ignore the Darkhold aka a book aka coli kryptonite brehs.

ignore Cython brehs.

"no one will ever be tempted by the darkhold again" - Wanda

strange said "the darkhold corrupts"


scriptwriters left.
original director left.
new writers didn't actually explicitly answer that question and left it open.
that is one of the problems people have with the movie.
answers pushed down the line.
little to no character depth or development.
the answers in this film are muddled ... real answers still pending.


May 18, 2012
Advertising =/= Movie

People were expecting Last Kingdom/Vikings savagery and got something very light in action with more focuses on cinematography and a message.

Yeah, I checked this out even though a TLK breh said he thought it was mid. I like revenge plots and medieval cac savagery but I came out feeling the same.


May 3, 2012
"first scene"?

ignore the Darkhold aka a book aka coli kryptonite brehs.

ignore Cython brehs.

"no one will ever be tempted by the darkhold again" - Wanda

strange said "the darkhold corrupts"


scriptwriters left.
original director left.
new writers didn't actually explicitly answer that question and left it open.
that is one of the problems people have with the movie.
answers pushed down the line.
little to no character depth or development.
the answers in this film are muddled ... real answers still pending.

Wanda didn’t even know the Darkhold existed when she enslaved an entire town.
“The hex was the easy part, the lies were the problem”. She knew exactly what she was doing, and was lying about it.

Character development? Every scene Wanda has ever been in has been clearly leading to her being a villain…then she got an entire show dedicated to her being a villain. Just because you couldn’t draw the connection between enslaving and torturing thousands and being a villain doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. There have been few others that have had more character development then her. She was evil in WandaVision, and more evil now.
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