Actually, that's exactly what I did lol.

Breh, you said Deuteronomy 28 was about Africans. Is verse 68 somehow NOT part of chapter 28?
In fact, one of your first threads on here was precisely about the West African slave trade and Deuteronomy 28:68.
I didnt say Deuteronomy 28 was about Africans. I said that many of the curses in Deuteronomy 28 apply to Africans. Do they not? I mean I can go thru them if you want.
Sure. Reference an old thread I made and pretend that thats what we're discussing in this thread. Is that being honest friend? Nonetheless so what? The curses apply to blacks in America too. Among other places across the globe.
Except those curses weren't for believing in God, but for being disobedient to him.
Not believing in God and being disobedient is one in the same friend. God was God of ALL people my friend. So ALL people are being disobedient by worshiping idols whether these idols be angels, things made of wood and stone, or whatever else.
Although I wholehearted agree that those curses stretch across a broad spectrum of people, including Africans. I believe the original Hebrews were a people of color, and many were in fact black based on their vast intermixing with the Hamites throughout the Old Testament.
I believe the West African slave trade was in part a fulfillment of many of those curses of Deuteronomy 28 as well. But verse 68 in particular happened during the Judeo-Roman wars.
Very well. Then we are in agreement despite the fact that I havent research the Judeo-Roman wars
Problem is, the group you think is following God's commandments, actually isn't. Arguing against that is only going to expose your ignorance some more.
I'll let God Almighty decide that. What I originally stated in the beginning was that the group that believes in following God's commandments is better off than the group that believes they dont have to because it was nailed to the cross.
The rest of their doctrines? They'll have to answer to that. And by them going and teaching others these doctrines, that will be between them and God Almighty. But you can say the same for Christians that teach erroneous doctrine. And Muslims. And catholics. You'll say "this thread isnt about them" and I never did want to make it about them. I just commented that SINCE I'VE been here thats who I see you going hardest at. It was an observation.
If I can fool you that easily, than imagine what Satan can and has done
Nope, I'm stepping mines up every day. But I'm also not jumping in threads to argue about things I'm not "interested in" .
I guess that makes you my superior morally? Nah.
Im not interested in christianity but that doesnt mean I dont try to help my brethren see that God Almighty is important over the words of men. Im not interested in working, but that doesnt mean I dont do it. Im not interested in Islam, but that doesnt mean I dont try to help my brethren see the true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Im not interested in catholicism but that doesnt mean I dont try to help my brethren see that God is ONE not three or that we shouldnt be praying to anyone or thing besides God Almighty. I think you get the gist by now. If you dont, oh well you dont have to.
And thats whats up. I try to step mine up as well.