Batman And Robin Eternal is the only Batman related comic I can get into since Endgame. I can read this stupid Gundam-bunny Gordon crap 

She-HulkTo piggy bag on that Carol discussion, what are yall's top 5 superheroines?
I mean characters that yall actually F with off the strength of their own merit and not, for example, b/c she's simply dating/fukkin a favorite male character of yours.
To piggy bag on that Carol discussion, what are yall's top 5 superheroines?
I mean characters that yall actually F with off the strength of their own merit and not, for example, b/c she's simply dating/fukkin a favorite male character of yours.
Lowkey, as far as "diversity" and representation go, Kamala is a far more impactful character to have on the big screen than Carol. And if they found an actress who could embody her charisma, there'd be no ceiling with the type of global buy-in and merchandising she could generate.Ms. Marvel will probably end up being a far better character than Carol.
To piggy bag on that Carol discussion, what are yall's top 5 superheroines?
I mean characters that yall actually F with off the strength of their own merit and not, for example, b/c she's simply dating/fukkin a favorite male character of yours.
1. MagikTo piggy bag on that Carol discussion, what are yall's top 5 superheroines?
I mean characters that yall actually F with off the strength of their own merit and not, for example, b/c she's simply dating/fukkin a favorite male character of yours.
Lowkey, as far as "diversity" and representation go, Kamala is a far more impactful character to have on the big screen than Carol. And if they found an actress who could embody her charisma, there'd be no ceiling with the type of global buy-in and merchandising she could generate.
Songbird (she grew on me in thunderbirds and if y'all played marvel ultimate alliance she is my favorite character there I think she was a wrestler and I'm a wrestling stan. Basically was a villain and had a face turn).To piggy bag on that Carol discussion, what are yall's top 5 superheroines?
I mean characters that yall actually F with off the strength of their own merit and not, for example, b/c she's simply dating/fukkin a favorite male character of yours.
1. StormTo piggy bag on that Carol discussion, what are yall's top 5 superheroines?
I mean characters that yall actually F with off the strength of their own merit and not, for example, b/c she's simply dating/fukkin a favorite male character of yours.
To piggy bag on that Carol discussion, what are yall's top 5 superheroines?
I mean characters that yall actually F with off the strength of their own merit and not, for example, b/c she's simply dating/fukkin a favorite male character of yours.
It's interesting because at one point Storm was more popular than even WW but since the Claremont X-Treme X-Men days of like, 2002 (?) all she's really been known for is being a victim of T'Challa's #HOH movement and being Wolverine's thot. I'm a big fan of the concept of Storm but i feel she's been damaged goods status since AvX and hasn't had much purpose since she was leading Bishop, Sage, Rogue and crew in X-treme.