Did anyone else notice on page 14 of SW that
when the Future Foundation kids were exploring part of Utopolis, the surface of where they explored looked a lot like BEN GRIMM??
like you can make his hand out in a couple of panels, and the color/texture of the where they were looks like him for sure
only thing is when you see a face in the rocks it looks like he has a mask
if there is something to this
Which Thor just died? .
Are any of these characters the 616 versions? Which Thor just died? So many questions. Either Doom's playing chess or he isn't completely omnipotent.
Who got rocked?Secret Wars 2
Dude got fukking rocked. Now gotta wait two weeks..
So far this is probably the best Marvel Event in a minute. I mean shyt... I don't remember the last marvel event I've really enjoyed like this.
Hickman deserves a break after this...
Wait what was valeria and Sue doing?Secret Wars #2 was piff. Game of Thrones: Marvel Edition is dope AF.
All bend that knee before #DoomSet.
I fear for everyone in Reed's path, when he surfaces again, and finds out what Valeria and Sue are up too. That dude is going to snap. Watch them be constructs he created, and not the actual two though.
What in the fukk is he doing to keep an unchecked Ultron from breaching the wall? Should have wiped that A.I. out with the swiftness.
Thanos hopping out the whip like . I hope Doom and 12 kill off the maker's Mary Sue ass for good.
Wait what was valeria and Sue doing?
Oh yeah I see.Valeria is his left hand and Sue looks like she's his wife.
Yea, I was thinking either the corpses of dead celestials or some huge entity.
Rereading it, Doom has Ultron on his continent, but no Hulks. Not even he feels like dealing with those problems.
Dooms not omnipotent.
Valeria's doing what Valeria does: Not caring about "Uncle" Doom's moral ambiguity.
It was interesting seeing that Jaimie Braddock was running shyt and not Brian. But Jaimie has ALWAYS been more powerful than Brian (reality warper), just not sane.
Mr. Sinister chewing up scenery like The Master from Doctor Who
I mark out every time I see Maximus.
That Galactus/Sentinel looks badass.