End of DaysI need a dope Daredevil comic. He a dope ass character man
End of DaysI need a dope Daredevil comic. He a dope ass character man
It's sad it's come to that. LOL, I'm reading it like, wait a second, people are being written in character, sounding like the characters should actually sound. No pacing issues(1 was a bit rushed but it was still pretty good) Hell just let Hickman write all event's himself.
Secret Wars #2 was great. It actually got me interested in a bunch of the tie in books
Blue Marvel was annoyingAs much as I liked the Illumnati, this week Mighty Avengers was some real talk.
Secret Wars #2 was great. It actually got me interested in a bunch of the tie in books
Hickman interview with CBR about SW2
Next month, Issue #3 comes out at the beginning of the month, then Issue #4 comes out towards the end of the month. Then the schedule is a little bit slower. There's a really good reason for that, and I don't want to spoil it because of stuff that happens inside of the "Secret Wars" book, but around that time, the middle of the series is when everything kind of ties together and the superstructure of the new world, and how all the different books synch up, all becomes clear.
After that, we just rocket to the end of this thing. Doom save us all.