Wish he didn't...most of them have been ass. I will say though, he hit gold with his Dark Avengers and the other Dark Reign stuff. Probably his best team stuff right there.
Bendis is real hit or miss. Dark Reign was great, Secret Invasion was a good concept but boring execution, Siege was a clusterfukk but him wanting to put some cool ideas on paper (Sentry going insane and ripping Ares in half), Avengers Disassembled was his way of starting the Avengers over so he can do what he wants, House of M was greatly underrated but I'll always give Bendis Props for his Daredevil and Alias.
Like I said, Bendis is a great idea guy but he is bad at execution, especially when dealing with continuity. He literally just does what he wants for the sake of the story. This is why I think he excels at writing new characters but fails at team books or characters with established history and personality quirks. But he also writes for the casual fan. Myself and my immediate group of friends are hardcore comics fans but a large percentage of our extended circle are casual fans and they all sing Bendis's praises as he is the guy that brought them all back in comics. It sounds crazy, but I've heard this from literal dozens of casual collectors. Marvel is about its money and they are not shy about that and Bendis has a good track record of being a selling writer, I believe that's why he has so much clout with the company.