Finally read New Avengers and am loving that Namor threw them Illuminati pussies in the bushes.
His Cabal is cool too except it should have been Namor, Thanos, Maximus, Doom and Magneto instead of Thanos' lapdogs and that albino chick whose name I refuse to remember.
And why Marvel continues to make Storm look like a floozy is beyond me.
"Here in Latveria, Doom demands that children always get a good night's sleep."
Teen Titans was good. it is amazing how much better Pfeiffer is with these characters than that painful neverending abortion that Lobdell wrote. And Rocaforte's art is just
Mighty Avengers was good as usual. I forgot Blade was boning Spitfire. I also forgot that Spitfire was turned into a vampire too.
If you haven't read it I recommend The Fade Out #1 wholeheartedly. Brubaker and Phillips doing a noir story set in 1948 Hollywood...really good book.
Original Sins pissed me off. it's not enough Marvel is ruining White Nick Fury, now they are ruining White Nick Fury's supporting characters too. Dum Dum Dugan deserved better.