But those weren't Magneto stories those were X-Men storiesLet's see...First Class revolves around Magneto...X Men 1-3 revolves around Magneto, teaming up with Magneto, and Jean and Magneto. The last image is Magneto from the core films. He has been a centerpiece character in every animated series they ever had. His stories sell the most..outsell Hulk and Spider Man stories. His story is the highest selling book in comic history.
Thanos is getting somewhat pushed but he is nowhere near as popular as Magneto. One video game appearance? Doom stories don't sell anywhere near Magneto level and he is nowhere near in as many media/films/shows/video games as Magneto. Not even close. Venom is bigger than Thanos in Marvel....Thanos has gotten decent treatment in the last 12 years but they use to have him lose to Ka Zar in 1997 and he was like 3rd tier.
U must be pretty young to say that Thanos and Doom are anywhere near as big or successful as the Magneto character in Marvel history. They never had any story as legendary as the Age of Apocalypse...which revolved around Magneto, Rogue, and Apocalypse.
The Avengers are making money now but the X comics used to ALWAYS outsell DC in the 90s. Wasn't even close. They had like 15 of the top 20 spots. 10 of those were X comics. Joe Mad era. Andy Kubert era. Pacheco era. Roger Cruz era. Mark Waid..Lobdell...Nicieza...they made their names off of popular Magneto and X stories.
Everyone uses Doom as villain while nobody besides X-Men characters use Magneto. There is a reason why everyone votes doom as Marvel's #1 villain.
More people saw that after credit scene in the Avengers movie than all those X-Men movies combined.
Infinity Gauntlet comes to mind as a classic Thanos story.
Thanos rising #1 debuted at 114,720 in sales lets see what Magneto debuts at
I'm not trying to knock Magneto he was obviously huge back in the day but not that much in the books these days
Doom would be bigger if he was connected to a bigger brand than the FF