two regular onesdon't he have 4 titles going right now?
Wolverine & the X-Men is the only book that's really selling well
Savage wolverine is in the 20k's and Wolverine is right on 30 k as of last month.
two regular onesdon't he have 4 titles going right now?
his comic isn't selling that well anymore, that's why its getting relaunched next month
Sup with that suit? Nikka looking like DeadpoolThe convo between Cyclops and Wolverine in WATXM was the best dialog that Jason Aaron has written for Marvel in quite awhile. And this one page sums up my issues with how everyone writes Cyclops:
Cyclops should not be "cool" he should be tortured. But all the current X-writers are so determined to make him a cool badass that he just comes across as a dikk.
so............... Wolverine lost his healing factor?
Anybody else read Earth 2 Annual?
I don't know a single person who's interested in nhumanity.
Uncanny Avengers.
U don't like the last Uncanny Avengers? Very good issue to me.