Spoilers for today's comics.
Young Avengers #8
Now I am not too familiar with the old Generation X comic but I always thought Prodigy was straight. But in the new issue of YA he's putting the moves on Hulkling.
I was gonna say that the writer of this What If A v X #3 had Magneto talking like his Fatal Attractions era old self but in truth, it's worse than that. He was never about wiping humans out like he said in this book..that's more of the Ultimate Magneto that they pushed where he was like a fake Hitler instead of someone who saw mutants as the genetic superior destined to inherit the earth. He was content with Avalon in Fatal Attractions and wanted mutants to run things after he took over Genosha. Either way..he hasn't talked like that since 2001. After House of M and Wanda went down, he's been more into his kids and preserving mutantkind..even if he had to take a step back. This What If version of Magneto is COMPLETELY fukking different..he's scheming and trying to get Hope to do the radical thing..basically what Quicksilver pushed Wanda to do in House of M. LOL. And why is Cyclops all calm and non radical all of a sudden? He's basically been acting like Magneto's son over the last 4 years. "X-Men. It's Emma. Magneto is trying to get Hope to wipe humans out." WTF![]()
If it makes you feel any better, Wolverine's character is completely off as well.
Granted he's a hothead, but he'd NEVER be the first one to strike at the X-Men, especially in the situation because he was conflicted as fukk. But out of ALL the people to attack, he kills Storm
Doesn't even make sense. She's one of the 5 closest people to him on the planet.
EVERYONE'S characters are off but they were kind of off for the REAL AvX anyway.... I'll keep reading because I'm an X-fan, but not feelin the story yet.
I always loved the rouges ... I hated Barry but I remember as a kid whenever Wally was in the speed force and saw hints of Barry it was amazing .wheres Wally west in the new 52nah, no news or anything. just some random thoughts...... edit: also so nobody has to search for the thread today. edited edit: I see people done posted in here already today.![]()
Cool feature.... I typed this post SUNDAY and the server at my job reset right when I hit the "post" button and I couldn't find this thread.
Finally track down the thread and here the post is. Good job, NewColi. Kinda scary, though.
I wish it were revealed that Cable really was the clone this whole time and Stryfe was the Summers Child.
I wish Kang and Cable were just... natural enemies. It fits. It would be a better bridge between the histories of the the X-Verse and the AvengerVerse.
Even the points of Kang, Cable and Stryfe have all been trying to kill Apocalypse at one point or another has to count for something.
Why can't Marvel do another ACTUAL villains book? Like Ellis' Tunderbolts, or that Zodiac book with the dude and the Scorpio Key.....
I could have read a Rogues Gallery book by Johns forever. I miss those Rogues.
I always loved the rouges ... I hated Barry but I remember as a kid whenever Wally was in the speed force and saw hints of Barry it was amazing .wheres Wally west in the new 52
Living Tribunal got got.![]()