I hope not.
do you know if Luna is around and why has she not been exposed to mist yet?
yeah she's still around.
she got exposed to the mists cause of Quicksilver during the Son of M story that happened after House of M.
I hope not.
do you know if Luna is around and why has she not been exposed to mist yet?
yeah she's still around.
she got exposed to the mists cause of Quicksilver during the Son of M story that happened after House of M.
What is her power?
How is Marvel doing so many events? Thats gonna be expensive, glad aside from those two X-men titles, I read exclusively DC also whats the difference between the mutants and Inhumans? It seems like they're both hated by the regular Human population.
How is Marvel doing so many events? Thats gonna be expensive, glad aside from those two X-men titles, I read exclusively DC also whats the difference between the mutants and Inhumans? It seems like they're both hated by the regular Human population.
All the stuff I have read about this is making it sound like they are setting up the Inhumans to be the new mutants of the Marvel U and I am not too sure about that idea.
I was hoping to see a Game of Thrones take showing palace intrigue and backstabbing between the Inhumans and the Kree.
The Kree experimented on some cave men splicing Eternal (they are like Marvel's versions of the DC's New Gods) DNA with the humans and created the Inhuman race. The Inhumans removed themselves from the rest of humanity and built a technologically advanced society with their biggest achievement being the Terrigen Mists that Inhumans get exposed to at adolescence which gives them their super-powers but in some cases it can just cause horrible deformities.
They live in a city called Attilan that was hidden on Earth for centuries then they moved to the moon and after that they took over the Kree Empire (don't know what happened after the cosmic marvel books got canceled though).
As a rule The Inhumans are isolationists and are not cool with intermingling between Inhumans and other races which is why when Quicksilver married and knocked up the Inhuman Crystal (Crystal is a bit of a ho though; she has boned tons of non-Inhumans) all hell broke loose for a while.
They are led by Black Bolt and his Royal Family:
Medusa (Black Bolt's wife)
Maximus the Mad (Black Bolt's brother)
Crystal (Medusa's sister)
Karnak (cousin)
Gorgon (cousin)
Triton (cousin)
Luna (Crystal's daughter with Quicksilver)
Lockjaw (either a pet with teleportation powers or an intelligent member of the family depending on who is writing the story)
Ronan the Accuser (Kree warrior and Crystal's new husband)
They are allies of the Fantastic Four with Crystal and Medusa actually being former members of the team. Crystal was also on the Avengers.
And with the upcoming "Inhumanity" event crossover The Inhumans will be set up as Marvel's "primary metaphor for oppression and alienation in the Marvel Universe", which makes me wonder where that leaves the X-Men and the rest of the mutants.
I can't be the only person getting sick of seeing Black Widow involved in these things..
She barely plays a role in most of this stuff and is clearly just being put there because she was in the movie. Falcon's appearances in these things has been just as lame.
not gonna lie Batman '66 looks like a fun read
need to catch up on back issues of wonder woman, fables, uncanny x force
Read Avengers earlier, the robot is taking out Thor and Hyperion, yet she's part of the charge shooting at it.
Shatterstar is Longshot's father, but Longshot got Dazzler pregnant and she gives birth to Star. I get its a rip on Terminator but
i thought longshot was made in a lab by mojo so he can keep entertaining the masses.