It's about time that more people are starting to see the truth. Mutants were a dying breed, damn near extinct, lost, and Cyclops stepped up into the leader they all knew he could be and held it down.
The only people I'm starting to hate are cap ,havok and wolverine

Havok is a corny narc with no real authority , no loyalty and bytch tendencies . I liked him in mutant x but now he's a tool . Nicca really joined up to lead the avengers after barely interacting with them for years ? He's just a figurehead how can he fall for that , and he was a nonentity during a vs x .
Wolverine and cyke always had differences on how to approach shyt through the years but they way he acted during schism was kind if c00nish. He really would of rather the sentinel destroy utopia as opposed to kids fighting it ? Man the original xmen were kids sent out by prof x yet he's ok with that . And he's ok with using quire in his school but got mad at cyke